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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Beautiful work. Cees
  2. That was Funny, I was thinking Paul McCartney too. Cees
  3. I thought this kit was unbuildable? Not! Cees
  4. Some more progress. I have completed the basic Floor construction with the raised pilot's Floor. The navigators/ wireless operators table is Roughly finished too as is the instrument panel template. this will be used to make the instrument panel using thin plasticard with pe instrument bezels and Airscale dial decals. The printed plastic structure holds plastic strip with ordinary Plastic cement. Very happy about that. A start has been made with the interior structure by cementing the horizontal longerons to the cockpit sill. This is the fun part. Cees
  5. Come on. No Dirty comments after such brutal butchery LOL Cees
  6. Thanks John, Ambitious it is but I have done it before on a 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster. Next update. While dryfitting the floor I realised that it would never fit if all detail was added. So out with the trusty saw and dymotape again ( Erik, look away from the pic below LOL). The nosesection was cut off and then split in two. I have made a start marking out the position of the frame and stringers. Much easier now. Cees
  7. I can wait for it as I built the PCM Tempest and it was nice. But secretly I am interested in the MK II Cees
  8. Good morning Aeronut, Thanks for dropping in, welcome to LSM. What a luxury to be able to access those great (and underrated) gliders. Will you build one? Cees
  9. Wow, that is some very nicely executed build and so quick too. Where can we place the LSM seal of approval? Cees
  10. Ah good luck then. Nice way to try out new sets as well as learn new skills. Cees
  11. Bit of progress. The basic Floor with front bulkhead completed. All interior detail will be built upon this. Cees
  12. Good progress Mish, Will you be using masks for the camouflage or spray them freehand? Cees
  13. Loads and loads Jeroen, But the hacking of the airframe is finished now (only later the outerwings will have to be shortened and a triangular section taken out of them). Next is to make the cockpit floor, on this all interior details will be fitted. Looking forward to that. Only problem that superglue doesn't seem to get a grip on the "plastic" used. It looks like it was 3d printed but not sure about that. It's certainly not resin. Cees
  14. The bombdoors have been removed so the interior can be fitted from beneath later. Cees
  15. Note the small wheels compared to the Lancaster.
  16. If not then it makes a great doorstopper. But the hacking continues, but first a few pics from the web to show the work ahead. Cees
  17. Nope, slept on it. I will keep the Lancaster tail and the model will be finished in the markings of L7518, remember that one George? Same as my 1/48 model and the aircraft of which we recovered bits near Warmenhuizen. Cees
  18. Hmm. But that means Shortening the wingspan of the horizontal tailplane and reshaping the fins as well as changing the bomb doors as the earlier manchester did not have the slightly bulged lancaster type doors. Let me sleep on it. Cees
  19. These early armour types have a lot of character. Nice start. Cees
  20. The current state of destruction. Don't worry this will all be followed by some healthy construction. Cees
  21. As promised, my appetite for destruction has been satisfied this afternoon. The trusty saw still knows how to wreak havoc in unsuspecting Lancaster assemblies. It must have had a deja vu. The undercarriage came away clean, the wheels were sawed away from the legs. The centre will be drilled through to accept an axle later. That way the ( much smaller) wheels can be easily fitted after the landinggear has been completed. The current wheels are too large in diameter for a Manchester as well as having thread. So new ones will be sought. The nacelles were cut off followed by the outer wings. The centre of the inner nacelles remain as a basis for the new firewall and rear fairings. The centre section is identical to the Lancaster. It's the outer wings that need to be heavily modified, but more of that later. this will be a Mk Ia with the later Lancaster tail. The triple tail of the earlier seems to be too much work, as I have already a lot to do. Cheers Cees
  22. Ahh good to see some colour being applied already. Looking good. Cees
  23. Meaning scale effect? Cees
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