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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Welcome to LSM Mauricio, And what a fine build! Cees
  2. Very nice package, the quality seems to improve with every new release. Very exotic subject too. Cees
  3. Thanks for the review, I think a lot of modellers never knew about the sting in the back. Probably just a "scare" gun as aiming it was a hit and miss affair. Cees
  4. Great subject Rog, Looking forward to see this build evolve. Cees
  5. Does the nose fit Jeroen? Nudge nudge wink wink. Cees
  6. Dennis, You are correct, strangely I typed Phantom when meaning the Tamiya Tomcat at the time. And I am not even fifty yet. Thanks, Cees
  7. Well, I am....a bit. In the meanwhile I have progressed further with the compound curves and it has worked very well. Only the port nose compartment to do and then the fun starts. This build will be entered in the new HK Models group build by the way. This is not even a kit hehe Cees
  8. The Christmas holidays is very beneficial for modeling. The interior structure is mostly finished apart from the nose section Which has compound curves which plastic strip doesn't like. But that will be a challenge to solve. The navigators table with T1154/R1155 wireless set up has been started as well. i used the HKM mosquito parts for These. They are a bit basic but very useful for the Manchester. Cees
  9. Never said modeling is easy. Cees
  10. Indeed, shuttleworth collection is a unique place, it oozes the classic British technology and they have so many interesting aircraft. Cees
  11. Very nice, some familiar models in state of progress. Pity I couldn't make it. Next time I hope. Cees
  12. Hoi Danny, Work- and paintmanship is interstellar as always. Cees
  13. Ahhhh, that solves it. Cees
  14. Hi Gus, For your first time using an airbrush you definately have great talent. I really like the faded effect too. Well done! Cees
  15. Never seen a Mk IIa spit with yellow spinner before. Something you learn every day. Oh eh Mish, the Mk II spit had a small blister fairing just behind the spinner on the starboard side. This covered the Coffman starter. Cees
  16. Wow, I like it when you build that fast, and nicely too. The receiver of that present will be overjoyed. Cees
  17. Nice to see those oversized roundels. The Air Ministry added the 2 inch yellow border for uniformity. The squadrons though otherwise. Cees
  18. Wow, didn't see that one coming. Very nice weariness in the cockpit. Cees
  19. Update Started to detail the fuselage structure. Tedious but fun. Once you have done one side, you still have To do the other...sigh. But Slowly the typical structure evolves. Hope you like. Cees
  20. Darn, I hate it when you paint so perfectly. Hehe Cees
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