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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Well limited run kits these days are far better than in the past. Outgch, some were really trying your sanity. Cees
  2. Your'e really are a production line type of Modeller Ralph. I like it, I have this one on the go too. An oldie but still a goodie. Cees
  3. Jimbo, In the later part of 1944 the RAF increasingly operated on daylight raids too. The air superiority of the Luftwaffe was fast diminishing at the time. Cheers Cees
  4. Very nicely done Jan! Cheers Cees
  5. Hi Flipper Welcome to LSM. Correct the Lanc and Stirling had similar yellow markings. The head armour for the pilot for instance. Cees
  6. He is not the Messiah! He's just a naughty boy. Cees
  7. WoW, you really made progress since yesterday. Looking good. Cees
  8. I am all for it, it's so large. And an ideal candidate for masks. Cees
  9. Looks like a complete package with no additional aftermarket needed, Brilliant. Cheers Cees
  10. Looks like a Star Wars vehicle. Impressive how futuristic the horten looks. Cees
  11. Wow, amazing, what craftsmanship. Fantastic! Cees :) :) :) :)
  12. Joe, Well the Sparviero has simple shapes but the fuselage is quite spacious so an interior will need a lot of scratchbuilding. Then again there is plenty of info on that available on the net. I am awaiting Tiggers Hampden kit and started scratchbuilding a tailplane already. Would be great to see your build progressing. There are plenty of people that can help you with advice if needed. Go for it. Cheers Cees
  13. Great builds Adrian, but these are already finished. Let's put them in the completed builds section. What are you currently working on? Cees
  14. Hi Joe, Great question. Vacform modelling is considered a black art,which it isn't. You do have to have some experience with converting existing kits and scratchbuilding. Most people shy away from the sanding mess to get the parts from the sheets. After removal it's just a kit, albeit a very basic one. But the possibilities are endless. I would suggest to look for Tom Probert's build of the Tigger Models (formerly ID Models) B29 and Halifax. The best kit to start would be a type with simple shapes such as a jet. The EE Canberra for example would be a great subject if it is to your liking. Depends on you taste. What are your ideas currently? Cheers Cees
  15. On the other hand I see raised circles on the armourplating. These were in fact painted on yellow circles. So the raised detail must be sanded off. It is claimed the yellow circles marked the steel items in the cockpit. The compass could be affected and had to be corrected. But then again HKM can also have meant these to represent head rests? Jim do you have any instructions at all? Cees
  16. Another masterclass. Thanks Peter, Cees
  17. Ralph, The way your modelling skills have gone from strength to strength is staggering. Cees
  18. I heard about the sweat and tears bit in modelling but shedding blood is new to me. Good start though. Cees
  19. Just to make sure, the circular shapes on the cockpit side are not ejector Marks but represent ply discs. These Were used on the real Mosquito to fit the equipment to the cockpit walls and were glued and screwed. Cheers Cees
  20. Jim, That looks certainly promising. Glad to read about the starboard cockpit detail ( heavy sigh). Clever design regarding the cockpit module too. Keep us informed how this works out. Cheers Cees
  21. In that case they SHOULD produce a 0/400. Cees
  22. An the P-26 oozing character. Good choice. You know why they called them Peashooters don't you? Because of the long gunbarrels. Cheers Cees
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