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About Paulster

  • Birthday 08/27/1957

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  • Location
    Menifee, SoCal USA
  • Interests
    Armor (especially Shermans) Military aircraft. USC football. Collecting military rifles. Beer.

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  1. AAHHHHBULLSHITCHOOO!!! Hate those surprise sneezes.
  2. Aren’t we all.
  3. 2020
  4. What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.
  5. What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.
  6. I smell trophies.
  7. Would consider if in decent 48th.
  8. It was a 1950's design. It's a light tank. The French were poorly under armored until the Le Clerc arrived on the scene.
  9. Greetings.
  10. Been awhile. Except for the barrels it is oob. So…. I guess it's not oob. Used Vallejo Air colors and Silly Putty for mask. Behind the TC's search light lens is foil from a candy wrapper. Copula vision ports are a mix of Tamiya clear green and blue that I went to heavy on.
  11. The entire lower hull of my Trumpeter T-69 tank. Assembled, puttied, sanded, cool. Washed it to get all the sanding dust off. Put in on the hood of Mommas truck to dry. Came back out a while later, 45 minutes, and her truck was gone. Quick trip to store. Got on bike and found what was left about 3 blocks away.
  12. Base was really fun to do. I cut and profiled from birch(beech?) wood. Took first place last Saturday at the San Diego Expo.
  13. Great work on the tracks.
  14. Beautiful work.
  15. Looks like a great show with some great builds. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. I know it can take some time.
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