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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. It comes with one.
  2. Little dirt and dust will tone that down. Nice free hand application there Matt.
  3. My favorite French design of that era. Actually looked "balanced".
  4. Imagine my surprise. Bet you could do a real number on that kit Mikey!
  5. Having "fondled" both I would take the Corsair over the Uhu. Not saying there's anything wrong with the 219. While the F4U is beautifully engineered, the ZM is a little over engineered.. Just wish Tamiya would release the -4. Hopefully when they release the −1A Someone will do a conversion.
  6. Dunkelgelb, RAL 7028. Looking forward to seeing some paint on this one.
  7. "Funeral cargo??"" WTF?
  8. Love them "Snakes"!
  9. It's what I live for sweety!!
  10. It's showing on my screen for every "newb" that has made a post and everybody else. Wouldn't worry about it unless it has a number next to it.
  11. Your not.
  12. Looks like the pile of stuff I have for my F-105G.
  13. I'd call it "1960"s Aurora Me.109 Red". Nice start.
  14. My favorite German tank. Looks good. Love the "touch" that Fruils add to some kits.
  15. Tiran 5 Pt. 2. Finished the hull. Filled in the fender bracket holes with strip styrene, CA glue and Tamiya Surface Primer (bottle) and sanded smooth. ran some small gauge solder for the electrical wire going to the headlight. The fender tanks and pe are from the Legends T-55 fender tank set. The hose and hose connectors are from a left over MIG aftermarket set that is obviously no longer available. I drilled the resin connectors all the way through (yes, before O-beer-thirty) so I could then just slide the fuel line through it. That way I could just move the connector where I wanted it instead of needing to cut precise lengths of wire. I scratch built the tow cable hold down pins with plastic rod, .010 solder wrapped around to kinda look like a spring and a brass bolt head on the end. Stowage is from the spares box with one item made from 2 part putty formed to fill a gap in the rack I didn't know what to do with. It's my first attempt at the putty rolled tarp, which would explain in part why it looks like a$$. Everything else is from the Voyager upgrade set. I must say that their pe is the easiest one I have ever worked with. Bends easy and minimum amount of connecting frets. Which makes cleanup much easier. The pioneer tools are Tiger Models Sherman set. I was fresh of Brit stuff. After putting away the photo booth, I downloaded the pictures. Then I realized I forgot to strap down the goodies in the rear stowage bin. Some thin tape and a buckle, then I was done.
  16. Have the chassis done, minus paint of course. Tamiya kit. Fruil tracks, Voyager Basic pe upgrade and Legends and Mig T-55 fender fuel tanks upgrade. Used about 60% of the Voyager set as some it seemed almost silly to use as a kit replacement. I will break this down into a few segments as I don't want to bombard you all with 30 something pictures all at once. Step one was to assemble the tracks. Did them in 10 link lengths then put them together to make them 82 links per side. I then soaked them in Micro Scale's "Blacken It". Waste of time. Going to have to paint them anyway. Threw the rest away. I made the track painting jig a few builds ago. Balsa wood, cost about $3 to make. Then I assembled the road wheels, taped them to an opened up empty Coors Light box. Always seem to have one of those around somewhere. Then I primed and then sprayed the rubber part with MM enamel "Helo Drab". Unless otherwise noted, all colors are MM enamels. Next was to cut all the molded on fender brackets to make room for the Voyager replacements. Fill all the pin marks under the fenders. Then prime with Tamiya Surface Primer.
  17. Would love to see more photo's of the T-28. Maybe start another thread on it Nige. Could use all the armor we can get our hands here in this forum.
  18. Looking forward to seeing this finished.
  19. DAMN Boy! You were busy yesterday!
  20. You must have behaved last night to be up so early.
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