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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. ​Usually, but not always. Once I started using metal after market barrels, especially ones for AFV type kits, kit supplied ones never measured up.
  2. My last do-dads will be the bucket hanging on the pintle hook and the muzzle cover made from dental x-ray foil. Next came the base. Cut an oval from a pice of birch and then route the edges to give some interest. 2 coats prestain sealer, 1 of natural tint stain and then seal it up. Sand it with ultra fine sanding pad followed by 8 coats of polyurethane gloss. I printed a battle map of the Battle of Kasserine Pass of February 1943. I sprayed each side with 14 layers of Krylon Acrylic Gloss clear. Putting the wood base on my printers platen glass gave me and actual size copy to cut out a template for the map. After cutting it out, the back side received a covering on Kilnz primer so it wouldn't be so transparent. Mixed water and and some Elmers Glue All and let it set overnight with a couple of books on it. I didn't like the reflection I was getting from the map surface, I taped the exposed wood and applied 2 like coats of matt enamel. # years and 11 months later it's done. I will photograph the finished build tomorrow and post in the finished forum.
  3. I built the Special Hobby's one so they would come out with this for you.
  4. Could not pass this up. Squadron had this on an introductory price of $43 plus a 20% off coupon. Beautiful detail and molding.
  5. Gunner Mike gave me this for "Ranch sitting" while he was out of state.
  6. Birthday present to me. Been saving for almost 3 years side change and crv (recycling aluminum cans) money. Was working an elementary school when I started this adventure so a little "trash diggin'' paid off.
  7. Very informative review. Would love to see one built up.
  8. ​Daaannnnngg….. Getting personal here.
  9. Can't believe it's been 8 years since it's release.
  10. Construction is done. Few little do-das and finish the base and I can move it over to the "completed" area. The gun was a bitch as there isn't really any positive mounting point. Glue, tape, glue. Then don't go near it for 2 days.
  11. Glad to see you back at it. From my research, the bomb surface would be smooth.
  12. Serious skill set there.
  13. Great start. One of my fav aircraft. Built Monograms "Ding Hao" several times.
  14. Great review with nice use of props. Used Ammo from Mig on my current build and was very happy with the results.
  15. Nice build. Even in that color that thing looks like a beast.
  16. Though be it a Canon. I purchased the 18/200 Canon lens for gp and modeling photography at shows. At the house I have a couple of macro lens for use in my photo booth (poster paper taped to the washing machine )
  17. ​Maaaaannn…….. Those IAF decals almost make me force to pull the trigger on this kit.
  18. Your not allowed to build British.
  19. It's cute how you posed the kit spruces. Like that light. Gotta clean mine. I sure there's an animal or 2 nesting in there.
  20. Yep. It was Shep it who did for me. Bought that Monogram 1/32 Stug. You know, the one with the orange tracks. That little pamphlet inside. Wow! Look at those pictures! Next came more models, then an airbrush and then my first large purchase of my life! That Binks air compressor in 1973. Life was good. Model on Shepherd! You changed many a young boys life!
  21. Miles Man Cave tradition dictates the we watch "Blazing Saddles" every year after the USC-UCLA football game.
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