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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. Nice review. Gonna post to some fellow AMPS guys who are thinking about this one.
  2. Thanks for the great build. Guessing weathering? Gonna have to try that Vallejo flat. Always looking a good "dead" flat.
  3. I realize you said acryl. But I love the results I get using Model Master Lacquer Gloss.
  4. Like that. I speak "Spanglish" as my second language.
  5. Nice. Great detail painting. Decals are something Tamiya never seemed to want to fix. Their bright and thick to this day.
  6. Have heard of this endeavor. Wonder why 35th would not be the choice of scale for this.
  7. While I am a Iwata junkie, the one I would recommend as best bang for your buck would be the Grex.
  8. RIP Edgar.
  9. The kit is being re-released this month.
  10. Seeing as how I will not be there, please whisper "Meteor F.8" into their ear for me please.
  11. Sweeeeet. Great detail.
  12. Nice detail. Will defiantly add some spice to the WW I genre.
  13. I'd be stoked also. Still doing the ol' poster board paper taped to the washing machine.
  14. That's just some off the hook stuff there Jeroen.
  15. Cavalier Models use to make generic zimmerit sheets. Your going to have to ask around , check Evil Bay and shows as I believe they are out of production.
  16. Color combo is great. Nice job.
  17. Perfect amount of weathering IMHO. Great photography and the finished bakelite seat is a perfect touch.
  18. Great job. Hope he keeps going at it.
  19. Great contrast. Ugly almost to the point of sexy.
  20. Great work for that scale. Any scale for that matter.
  21. ​Yeah…. A big one!!
  22. I know….. Let's reenact WWII. Us Yanks will come over, marry all your pretty "Birds" and take them back to the States with us!
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