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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. I have purchased from Shape Ways. Good stuff. Could use some M1903 Springfield's to model early WWII US dudes.
  2. Starting to have a thing for acryl modulation. I'm a life long user of the enamel. Used the AK 4BO on my BA-64B. Really liked it. Gonna use the Ammo from Mig modulation on my US M6 Anti Tank Dodge. Check into the company called "Tank". They have some really nice Soviet figures.
  3. And if you do buy the Iwata Lube, which I do, get the small little tube. Unless you use and clean 4 airbrushes a day the bottle will go bad long before you run out. I only do a tear down cleaning after a build is complete. I'll do "quickies" during a build. Lacquer thinner blown through at 65 psi, pull the needle and wipe down. If I'm done for the day, a quick squirt of WD40, blow it through at 65 psi. Before I start spraying again, lacquer thinner at 65 psi and rock n' roll. It's a process but with the money I have invested in airbrushes it's well worth it.
  4. Great work on the chipping. Hairspray?
  5. It's a real nice kit. As long as your not an Eagle Rivet Counter. Has a few short comings as far as accuracy. Even so, finished product oob is awesome.
  6. Very nice. Great detailing.
  7. Jeez that's sweet. One of these days I attempt NMF.
  8. Watch out. You might create a monster here.
  9. Know the feeling Erik. Got bench time last night for the first time since the 6th.(that's what day my calendar was on)
  10. Daaang! Out grew your Photo Booth.
  11. ​Great job on the decals also.
  12. That's just unbelievably beautiful.
  13. ​Jeez……. That's nice.
  14. ​Big fan of the A20 myself having read a lot on the 5th Air Force.
  15. My wallet and I are so there!
  16. Looks good. I have a couple of projects I swear have been on my bench for 20 years.
  17. Of course Dave. You wouldn't lie to me. There's no profit in it.
  18. The tracks are nightmarish looking. Several sprues about the same size of the box just for the tracks.
  19. Of course! Always ready to help my Bro's. As long as they can handle the "ration" I deal out with it. Besides, he paid me forward.
  20. What he said.
  21. ​So…… There I am. At the Winter Fest Expo in San Diego. Nothing s selling. I win the DML 1/35 Elefant. Nice kit but I have absolutely no interest in it. Someone says, "I want to build one of those. Want to trade?" I said……………..
  22. Tracks are off the hook! Great work overall.
  23. I believe Mikey will be moving at around that time.
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