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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. Sweet! Nice going Matt. Will be picking this up now.
  2. Or even the newer release of the PT 109 would be a treat.
  3. ​Makes you want to throw all those "wingy thingy's" in the bin doesn't it?
  4. That'd be the one. Quick squirt, blow it all out then wipe the bowl dry (Lint free cloth).
  5. I always wear glasses with my Optivisor. SWMBO calls them "dorknoids". Even when I have my contacts in I also have on my "cheater" glasses. 1.5 power reading glasses that are sold at the local drug store.
  6. Glad they're able to keep her inside. Nice pic's.
  7. Are really the one who did this review? I don't see any teeth marks on the corners.
  8. I take that as high praise coming from you!
  9. Greetings and welcome. What parts of SoCal do you live?
  10. Can't have too many Sho't Kals.
  11. Off the hook Dave. I run the AMPS San Diego Chapter, Pendleton AMPS. Going to post one of these on our FB page as the "Sweeeeet pic of the day".
  12. The forever project continues. AMMO From Mig olive drab modulation. 50 shades of OD. Actually 6. Gloss coat,decals and detail picking next.
  13. I would start with the Bronco #AB3523 tracks Ralph.
  14. ​Real nice for a "wingy thingy" builder.
  15. When's Mikesters article for the "Sheep Gazette" being released?
  16. Lot of room in that "pit". I had a check out in a Mig-21 and there wasn't enough room in there to change my mind.
  17. Very nice. Should sit proudly on your display shelf.
  18. Perfect. Just the right amount of weathering and shading.
  19. ​Ooooo… Yes. Loved that movie, "Submarine X-1" when I was a wee child.
  20. Opposite. 21 had the folding wings.
  21. ​I'm assuming, there I go again, you would have to fill in the panel line and be done.
  22. Absolutely we welcome those. Just post in Non LSM topic area. One of the reasons it was created.
  23. Eeehhhh…. Never been a fan of SAC landing gear. Not very clean and appear to be just metal copies of the kit gear. G-Factors are much cleaner and are a distinct improvement over the kits stuff. If Ernie says he's coming out with a set, I'd wait.
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