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    Seaplanes, Scratch building, Large Scale Planes.

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  1. New miniseries: Catch-22 This is just GREAT, can't wait to get started... It makes me want to build another B-25J... 'Catch' this really cool trailer... Cheers: Kent
  2. So, a little update from my bench... Doing some fiddly work on the scratched cockpit for the Aeromarine Not nearly there yet, but slowly, I'm working out where everything is supposed to go... Happy modelling: Kent
  3. Got some of the new plywood wood grain decals Proper Plane. They look very nice to me, not 'pixelated' in the printing, like some of the others I've tried. It remains to be seen how they will behave when applied, but I'm already looking forward to be using these in my builds. Thumbs up, Proper Plane! Cheers: Kent
  4. Hilarious! I may have to resort to just that, or even better a sunken Donald Duck tank... Cheers: Kent
  5. I would be interested, but time is an issue isn't it? Less than a month to finish anything (6th June) Cheers: Kent
  6. Without wings? Looking forward to this... Cheers: Kent
  7. Beautiful birds, right up my Alley! Great. Cheers: Kent
  8. Very nice figures Fran, almost too bad I'm not into modern 'blowtorch' aircraft...
  9. Nice try though, you never know...
  10. April 1st isn't it?
  11. Wood grain on the wings are done... The control cables are fitted for the ailerons. Cheers: Kent
  12. Some progress on the little 'Fokker'... Oberursel engine ready for installation Some of the instruments are done. Parts are beginning to come together. Thanks for looking: Kent
  13. Working on the Oberursel engine... Different stages of the engine build/detailing.. Added spark plugs and cables + scratched lifter arms... Cheers: Kent
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