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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. Thanks guys! Aaron: yes- that looks like a nice kit! Thanks mate:) Dave: yeah.. ww1... it fits my space better we're living on 58 sqM and big kits like the Ta152 f ex has to boxed in the garage:/ What kind of folding tools and drills you use? Again thanks Ted
  2. Hi guys, What was to be the Academy Ni 17 became Special Hobby Ni 11. Ni 17 required too much work for me as a first. that being said- I absolutely love this type of kit and the possibillities are really endless!! To the point- what would be a good first kit? The special hobby is a nice kit but requires alot of cleanup etc.. also what tools and colour do you guys use? All the best Ted
  3. Excellent review James! I' m ordering this for my B-2 aswell as the placards you used. cheers Ted
  4. I love it! I wish I could keep an even style/tone and wethering level like you do.. I need to observ more. again well done!! Cheers Ted
  5. better start saving some pocketmoney for Telford!:P

  6. Mmmm.... that looks focking good Rick!
  7. Jan, She looks just prima! I love the green tones and the dirt is a must:) Good work as allways! Cheers Ted
  8. My god- so beautiful and crazy realistic!! Hmmm.... maybe I do need a Spitfire after all... Thanks James for Messing me up... again! Cheers Ted
  9. Jan, I love it! That is one dirty Japanese and you are a much better photografer than I!! Cheers Ted
  10. Thanks! I'm struggeling with that at the moment.. Aaron is helping me out so soon.. I aslo have the black Ta152 and will be building another one soon. . It's such a beautiful aircraft! I'll shutt up now and try getting some photos up!:P Cheers Ted
  11. you use the same brand thinning medium? What ratio? Cheers Ted
  12. Hi Micha, What clear cotes do you use? Regards Ted
  13. Hi Michael, Horrido! Well done!! I really like that she's dark( Gunze?) and you broke up monotones with oils convincingly! Did you add the locking bolt on the landing gear hydralic arms or was that included in the kit? I must get me one of these for sure. cheers Ted
  14. Thanks a whole bunch Ralph and congratulations on the Junkers build you really nailed that one! Cheers Ted
  15. Beautiful in every sense! Cheers Ted
  16. Hi guys, Booked and dangerous...well perhapps not dangerous, but really excited!! Mr P, I'm also staying over munday (shopping for the wife)
  17. Aha! Thanks Aaron- check this first thing in the morrow! Cheers Ted
  18. Jeron! You're killing me... super prima! Cheers Ted
  19. Jan, Excellent- very very good!! Cheers Ted
  20. Thanks guys! I've been trying to take some photos outside this weekend with my Samsung Galaxy 4 but must have wring settings or something- the pictures gets worse outside even with highest resulotio( very grainy).. the lighter coloured underside is ok, but the greens seems imposible.. I must borrow a real camera... I'll post when I get some results. Thanks again! Cheers Ted
  21. When is it- November? Could be great fun.. many hotels around?
  22. Very nice!! Those rivet decals really looks great! Ted
  23. http://walkaround.wz.cz/ni17/ni17.htmlere And this : http://www.ww1aircraftmodels.com/ Here you go mate Cheers Ted
  24. Thanks you Aaron! She needs some lite wash around the wingroot and maybe a tiny bit more silver and some oqtane streaks around the fuelfiller caps ( I don't know how to make that though).. But what a sexy beast she is.. I can't stop thinking what if the Mustang evolution took a similar route ( longer wings, bigger engine etc.. yehaaa!) I was looking at Ricks review of the me 109 high altitude answer... It's a must have!! cheers Ted
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