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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. Spend the first nine months trying to get out of it, the rest of our lives trying to get back in.
  2. 3 F-4EJs and two Thunderbirds kits? Good grief!
  3. Slava Ukraini!
  4. Still trying
  5. Thanks for the compliments gents!
  6. Pretty sure its ok, Scott. Got any big jets to unload?
  7. Been anxious for you to jump on board, Mike. Love those Flanker colors.
  8. Well, not on the bench anymore, but from the archives. Saw one for $199 the other day. Looks right nice I might say.
  9. Apparantly nothing gets you going like a Mug!
  10. Front wheel well done. Not much going to be seen here so no added fiddly bits.
  11. Just a little update.....oops wrong aircraft!
  12. Sadly, the artist who did the box art work for Roden has been killed near Kyiv. May he, and the other innocent souls lost rest in peace. https://www.themodellingnews.com/2022/03/vale-influential-model-artist-valery.html?m=1#more
  13. Thank the Lord there have been some communications from the folks at ICM today. This is my favorite.
  14. I've started the nose gear well also. Grateful that there aren't really any hydraulic lines to speak of, and tge gear doors mostly are closed up on a parked aircraft. Bad seams in tricky places so I use water soluble Apoxy Sculpt to fill seams then smooth with damp qtip.
  15. Alrighty then! Cockpit tub and sidewalls done. On tge the IP a coaming
  16. Its been deleted
  17. Ya, I boight a couple ICM kits, and a boatload of Reskit.
  18. Very well done! Thank you for sharing!
  19. Outstanding, Dirk! What a group build this us gonna be!
  20. Those look fantastic, Fran. How I regret not picking up the F re-boxing when I had a chance.
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