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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Ain't it the truth... Even though I'm lucky enough to still be working. My Wife is at the end of a month long furlough. Image my surprise to find, after coming home after work during that first week, that apparently we're painting the house and installing wall panelling in the common areas. She's happy to sand and paint during the week, but needs me to cut and install the panels and mitre the skirting and trims of course. So there goes my weekends! This is of course all supervised by the ubiquitous Site Spaniel. If you're fortunate enough to have one around the house, you will already know that they follow you wherever you go and whatever you do. This invariably leads to paint on the Dog, and Dog on the paint! Happy Wife, happy life. S
  2. Fiddling, fettling, fussing... Floor pan of the Zoukei Mura Ki-45 cockpit. Attempting different techniques to get the look I think I'm finally happy with.
  3. This is astoundingly optimistic. Our State of 5 million people have had two consecutive days of single figure Covid 19 cases (with no deaths), and we're in the second week of the Easter break. The Federal Government is saying that Schools are safe so long as you practice Social Distancing, but the Queensland Government isn't buying that and is recommending people keep the Children at home. This is causing a lot of confusion. This same State Government has been directing the Police to fine people for sunbaking alone on deserted beaches and sitting reading in the sunshine on park benches, yet made us all line up a couple of weeks ago to vote in Local Council elections. The ironic part of this is that most Polling booths here are held in School halls, where they don't want Children congregating in numbers apparently. Schools will be open here for the Children of essential workers from next week, and they are tentatively planning to re-open to all Students at the start of July. S
  4. There still seems a lot of 'understanding' happening there, without any confirmation from anyone whatsoever... All we know is that Richard Alexander is no longer with the company. Everything else still seems to be speculation. However, it would still be a shame if it comes to pass in that manner. S
  5. Freight is definitely moving into Au Gaz... BNA got a Zoukei Mura restock in late March, around the time Volks USA did as well, so kits from Japan are shipping. South Korea may be more problematic though. FWIW, locally the Last Stand at Corinda newsagents has some WNW kits in stock. The Albatros DV re-pop kit 32905 is Au $144.99 walk out the door, whereas the kit on WNW site is $79 US plus postage... Converted to Au dollars that's around $124. Add international postage and we're just about at evens. This is possibly another factor being overlooked. WNW sell in US dollars, but are based in New Zealand, where the currency has taken a substantial hit in the last month or so when compared to the Greenback. All their stock, whatever they have of it, is now worth 20% less than it was in February.
  6. Happy Easter to you and yours Martin... If ever there was a time for those of Faith to believe in resurrection, it's now. Love and peace to you my Friend. S
  7. Thanks Danny, The Purple is the boss of the tank, very energetic and hard to photograph. Apart from a pair of Blues, we also have a Yellow and a Sailfin (my favourite), which despite being the largest in the tank with the fins extended is quite docile and social. We saw many Achilles Tangs on Heron Island last year, quite a strikingly marked fish, but they are notoriously hard to keep and the our tank is probably beyond it's capacity as it is. The Mandarin Dragonets are cool, they do a little mating dance most nights if we're lucky enough to catch it once the lights go off. We lost the Elegance at the bottom right into the top photo last week. Beck had the UV too bright without realising and it gradually began to bleach, but it was beyond saving as it turned out. As you can see, she loves her Hammers though. Steve.
  8. Alfresco Modelling... Sounds like a Blog opportunity Phil!
  9. Novascale have such a release... https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/RAN-RNZAF-A-4G-Skyhawk-Decals-1-32-Scale-N32059/303479057670?hash=item46a8c2ed06:g:H30AAOSwo4pYeruO S
  10. New Zealand went early with a hard Quarantine, which seems to have curbed the spread of Covid 19 and definitely saved many lives. However the unforseen consequences of this action are the unknown duration of the lockdown, and what Businesses will be left standing whenever that Quarantine ends. The financial incentives offered by the NZ Government may not be adequate to cover the costs and wages of the WETA Group in the short term, let alone for an unspecified timeframe. SPJ is not the sole owner of the company apparently; and even so, in Business you cannot expect a single person to cover all liabilities from their own personal assets. Pet project or not. WNW are a niche Player, in a niche scale, in a niche Hobby, at the far end of a long supply chain, isolated from their Customer base, in a Country that has mandated that they cease operations for an indefinite period. I would also describe that situation as grim. S
  11. Just exactly what are you tearing up? And how can you be fixing it before it's even torn? Lost in Translation... Make mine a Whiskey. Hold the Gopher...
  12. Rookie error... Applied too much pressure and broke the support under the front seat of the Z/M Nick while sanding one of the side sprue gate attachments. Was rushing to make some progress last night while tired, and I really didn't need to. S
  13. Indeed... I pitched the idea of social distancing to my Wife... "Fork that" she said. S
  14. Don't worry at all Dale, You haven't been responsible for anything untoward that I've seen. Certainly no worse than any other of us Nutcases! I'm sorry if I ribbed you a little about the political side of things. I sometimes forget about the effects the medication can often have on you. My former Partner was on some wicked meds going through M.S. - she had horrible nerve pain daily, and would cycle through waves of delirium and lucidity during the course of a normal day. She once called the Police on me because I wouldn't come over and clean the leaves out of the roof gutters. If I can allay your fears a little, my now Brother-in-Law is a Police Despatcher, and I can tell you that they get all types of calls especially in the middle of the night, and have special training to separate the genuine calls from everything else. So try to not worry so much about that side of things, and try to stay safe Buddy. We've got your back.
  15. Just to add for Gaz's sake... QHME August show now confirmed as cancelled for this year. S
  16. Is there no-one who can bring you medications and food supplies Dale? I know that I was able to collect drugs of dependency for my former Partner several years ago, do you have other options open to you rather than being forced to venture outside at this time?
  17. Thank you my Friend
  18. Why, thank you Gentlemen. My Wife planned a wonderful day for me. First, she was going to take me out to Brunch... But the Cafés are closed. Then we were going to take in a Movie... Um, no dice... Then finish with a twilight Cruise on the River... Ah, nope. So I tinkered at Model Kits all day instead. Silver lining Yes Martin... and I still am! S
  19. Similar things are also transpiring here. None of these new laws have been Legislated by any act of Parliament at either State or Federal level. The Australian Government has set down guidelines, and the various States are allowed to enforce the rules according to their own whim... Without the approval of the general public through the democratic process that the Nation is supposed to operate under. A study has been conducted in and is being pushed heavily throughout the Media about the dangers of complacency and the need to continue Social Distancing. The graph shows the number of new cases between 70% of the population complying, when compared to 80% and 90%. The hashed line at the right however shows what will likely happen if Social Distancing is abandoned... it all goes back to unchecked and rampant infections. So it's becoming increasingly clear that this is now the new normal. Australia is going to ride this out until a Vaccine is available, however long this takes. 6 months, 12months, however long, there is no other plan, no end strategy, no other option. And damn the consequences.
  20. Withers made everything seem effortless. His unwavering pitch and breathing control is so easy to listen to, but very hard to replicate; the hidden key to his talent. A lot of people can sing, but there aren't many Singers. His "Just the two of Us" collaboration with Grover Washington Jr was one of our Wedding songs. We will play it again tonight as the Sun goes down. S
  21. I use this site to keep updated Dale... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ The data for the Third World Countries sometimes doesn't update daily, this is probably due to the problems of accessing accurate real-time information from some areas. I realise that the Prime Minister probably isn't your favourite Human Being at the moment, but at least the Government seems to be on the right path for the time being. We are one of the only Countries that are on the downward side of the peak of cases. A week ago, Brasil was 150 behind us on the number of cases... After a just a week they've jumped ahead by 2,500. Note the difference in the curves. As I said, for the time being... S
  22. Not in Queensland. Campgrounds and National Parks are closed, you can only be in a Caravan Park or similar if it's your principal place of residence. They don't want people travelling out into the regional areas, as there's comparitively little Hospital facilities out there. My hometown Rockhampton is roughly 80,000 people, and services a regional population of nearly double that. The Base Hospital there has only 300 beds, an outbreak in one of the Mining towns would see them swamped, let alone adding Backpackers and vacationing Retirees into the mix.
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