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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. The "right amount of weathering' is one of the hardest things to achieve. Right for you? Right for a fellow Modeller or casual on-looker? Right to replicate an actual photograph or scene? These are all scenarios that hinge on a particular perspective, that are invariably different depending on the individual, the angle of the lighting, the prevailing conditions etc. I took this photo recently, as it caught my eye at the time. It's one of the rear wheels of my work vehicle. Tyres are black, yes? Well, this one was brown. Try painting 1/35th scale vehicle tyres a mid-brown colour and almost everyone will tell you it's wrong. Weather a particular subject to your tastes, and stop when you think it looks enough. Because no-one sees it exactly as you would. Steve
  2. ...and on it goes. That thread about Me 262 slats somehow morphed into an argument about panel lines on P-51 wings of all things. Finally, someone in Authority had the intestinal fortitude to make them get their hands off it and put their pee-wee's away (his own words BTW), and shut it down. So then, one of the principal Offenders with a major chip on his shoulder starts a new thread, complaining about not being able to continue the argument he was a party to, yet somehow blaming the other Contributor for personal attacks while absolving himself of any responsibility, and lamenting that the behaviour he himself was party to never used to happen there! It's just all so ridiculous and absurd, that it's completely laughable!
  3. Oh,, how I wish I was there... No seriously, big Midlands Derby later today.
  4. So... You paid for your Hobby... By doing something you love. Somebody sign me up!
  5. Excellent news Carl! (No Brisket) S
  6. "Too fat at bulkhead 7 by about 0.11 inches"? A stent will sort that out, no surgery required!
  7. As per my previous post... In that case, I see you're probably sorted for a Thanksgiving Turkey (IYKWIM)
  8. Shirt walks... Well, I'm glad they're dressing you properly, and not sending you down the corridors in those horrible gowns that open at the back. Leaves nothing to the imagination.
  9. The Thin Red line (remake) : For mine, the complete War experience, or at least what I imagine it to be. Not only combat; but the cowardice, confusion, the waiting, the ambivalence, the ass-kissing and politics of it all. I also felt it perfectly dealt with the issue of self-sacrifice; in a way that SPR never quite captured despite basing the entire movie on the premise. Flags of our Fathers / Letters from Iwo Jima : Included together as that was how they were made. Different perspectives of the same Battle from each side, a wonderful concept and perfectly done. Das Boot : Set the standard for all Submarine movies. Jarhead : Hydration - Cheating Girlfriends - Arrested Development - Oily Horse - Suicide - 'Oorah! Der Untergang / Downfall : From the Woman's perspective. Honourable mentions to The Longest Day, Black Hawk Down, The Great Escape, The Wind also Rises, and Empire of the Sun. Finally, the first half hour of SPR was perhaps the most immersive Cinema experience I've ever had. S
  10. I was 16 at the time, and had to shave nipple to knees for a Lymph node removal from my groin. So yes, a whack from the ladle would have been less painful. More Nicks than a Greek Wedding!
  11. Fantasy news Carl... I was going to include my story about a very cute Nurse, which also involved the use of a disposable razor and a very large cold spoon, but second thought probably shouldn't. Steve.
  12. It's a trick we use sometimes when you want a little time out to pay a bill or something similar. We have a GPS in the truck as well as two cameras linked to an un-tamperable black box, and the PDA for deliveries that's also trackable by GPS so there's no getting a round of Golf in, but you can "go missing" for 5 or 10 minutes in a shopping centre for instance and just say it was a toilet break. Of course, Murphy's Law dictates that whenever you have a little Fudge break, someone at Base will have been watching you on the tracking for some obscure or random reason!
  13. It's worry these days Jeff (although the Battery died in my Wife's Cruze and we had the Devil of a time just getting into the thing to swap it out!) You could always try a hack like this Guy did... https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/11/australian-man-uses-snack-bags-as-faraday-cage-to-block-tracking-by-employer/ Typical Aussie... Cheapskate, AND using it to goof off at the same time! S
  14. My post was more a commentary on TOS as Hubert highlighted, and the usual suspects there who continue to attack certain Kit Manufacturers as 'shoddy' for example; with the implied consent of the Staff on that particular site, completely at odds with their own stated rules. There can be many causes for Procrastination. I myself haven't completed a kit in over a decade. But models don't care if they're put back on the shelf. I have had my own Cancer journey, and there are strict rules I follow so far as limiting airborne and surface particulate matter, as poor practices in the past probably contributed to my diagnosis. Often preparation of my work area leaves little time for the actual Hobby so it's not an effective use of my spare time. I would rather put the major effort into the People in my life and the other important things, and use my favourite Pastime to do just that... Pass the time when time allows. Steve
  15. Psychological Projection... A defence mechanism by which the Antagonist attributes negative feelings towards a subject, due to his or her own inadequacies and lack of ability to assemble a Model Kit to resemble the illustration on the box.
  16. Ernie, I feel your pain. Let loose your worries. Free your mind and your spirit, and lay yourself bare to the whims of Mother Nature. Revel in her indifference. We are but the scurvy crew on her ship of fools. Fair winds will follow, just reward for only the most patient among us. Remember, no man is an Island. Except the Isle of Man, of course.
  17. ...And that it was a mild one and that people had the presence of mind to know what happening. If you're going to have a Heart Attack, these are the best circumstances to have happen. Best of luck with recovery, there will be dietary and lifestyle changes ahead at least. I modified my diet last September to get my cholesterol and blood pressure down, and have managed to lose and keep off 10kg since... I was still eating like a man half my age without realising it. And I feel better for it too.
  18. I model only WW2 Axis subjects in aircraft... Because my Father told me not to. My Father was a former Australian Army Sergeant. My Great Grandfather was in the Light Horse Militia before the Great War, and as an experienced Horseman of course was subsequently sent to climb the cliffs of Gallipoli at the whim of the then First Lord of the Admiralty. Somewhere inbetween was my Grandfather, who along with my Paternal Grandmother basically raised me in my early years. Having seen the effect of the ravages of War upon his returned Father, he was fortunate that he was working as a Miner at the outbreak of WW2 as it exempted him from having to make a choice that may have seen him sent white feathers in the Post. So yes Dale, I am very much a product of my past. I was raised by a man who taught me to question everything, who in turn was sandwiched between two heavily indoctrinated authority figures who's attitude was very much 'do as I say, not do as I do'. So when my Father told me that the Nazi's were evil and not to model German subjects, I naturally went the other way. He is since gone from this World, but my fascination for the Axis side of the hobby remains, especially from the German perspective.
  19. Hubert! For mine it is the F; perhaps the most graceful, then the K as a representation of taking a concept beyond its logical end. S
  20. I would go the other way... For structural integrity, I would expect that there would be a panel cut similar to the one shown between bulkhead 15 and 16, with the smaller glass pane situated within. For me, it would put too much strain on the airframe to have this whole top panel removable, along with the lower panel for access to the fuel cell. S
  21. I agree that your post was tame... Especially considering the bickering and sniping that gets a pass there on almost a daily basis; usually from the selection of habitual repeat offenders. Or even the guy who pays the bills... A particularly disgusting comment; given that the individual is a former Officer in the Australian Defence Force, and considering the alarming suicide rate of returned ADF Servicemen especially since Operation OEF. But, then again, they don't delete posts or thread over there apparently.
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