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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Just by-the-by Mike... Did you delete your post on TOS, or was it done for you? S
  2. Thanks Doc, I was thinking of a Splittertarn 31 pattern first for the anorak figures. Depending on how that goes, I may dabble in some of the more adventurous summer/ autumn patterns for the Schützen. As usual, I will show my work, so keep watch!
  3. This just in... A dual figure set from Alpine, and another from Panzer Art to compliment the Anorak fellow from last month.
  4. It's a great start Doc, You've done the hard things first, so hopefully all well for the rest of this kit. S
  5. Yes. All aircraft are in 1/32nd scale. Haven't had anything smaller since the 1980's.
  6. Almost missed it... Is it still today there? It's almost tomorrow here. Anyhow... Happy Birthday Harv!
  7. It's a particularly apt analogy. However, the problem persists when a new hole is dug, and members continue to pile in. There's another thread where two of the usual suspects are bickering about the width of slats on a plastic model kit; because they've both seen it and had hands on it, this is enough to validate their opinion over that of the other. And any opinion to the contrary is somehow seen as a personal attack. All this with Moderators interjecting throughout the thread, yet not at any stage bothering to call out any of this behaviour. It's good for a laugh though!
  8. Context? Checked with youngest Daughter, could mean: T-faced could mean a wry smile (as in :T) or T... As in Crystal Meth, shortened to Christina, then to Tina, lastly to "T", for those in the know looking for such substances but still keeping it on the lowdown. In this context, T-faced would mean off your face on Ice. So, much like an O-face, but chemically induced.
  9. Gotta watch the hugs from a Trad. grip Drummer... That left hand comes up from underneath!
  10. It's in 1/18th scale Dale. http://www.hobbyboss.com/index.php?g=home&m=product&a=show&id=1404&l=en
  11. You do realise... This is only going to encourage him?
  12. I wouldn't sweat it to much Ernesto... I came across this guide looking for a Tamiya equivalent for German Field Grey, and ended up with a little jar of Mr.Color to try on my build. https://www.cybermodeler.com/color/gunze_map.shtml Perhaps use the darker Tamiya shade if it's a fresh example you're doing?
  13. I love it! Especially the warning: "Caution - 1/20 scale", as if it's not enough warning that it's in a box large enough to hold a Child's ride-on Jeep or similar!
  14. Maybe... Not sure. Not even sure if he's sure. Topsy-turvy World.
  15. By the beard of Evil Spock! First Jim abandons the Hobby, and takes up building little wooden ships, and now this! What's the world coming to?
  16. '53 Ford Mainline... And what became of her... https://www.whichcar.com.au/features/bagged-and-blown-1953-ford-mainline-ute-old-skool
  17. Yes, we are often late to the party with updates down here. "Australia... Now with electricity!"
  18. Despite the irony in my previous post, on this I was deadly serious... Keep up with this fanciful notion of yours of building a replica of an embargoed warplane... They will find you, and they will kill you. Be careful what you wish for.
  19. I meant, Her eyes glazed over coz I was Rabbiting on about cars again. She's not really into Cars or Bikes, but loves the Boats tho. She actually drives a GM product... This is her Cruze.
  20. Not aware of any passing restrictions. I know when Dad drove Trucks in the Army there was a requirement than Left Hand Drive must have a sign or sticker on the rear as a warning, but this has been relaxed since. I mentioned the changeover point almost a year ago in this thread... So, a '69 is fine to leave as-is, but anything from the last IROC up must be converted. Speaking of which, I was talking away to the Wife at the time, about Camaro's and such and the reference to the Teenage Dirtbag song where the guy "Lives on my block, and drives an IROC"... While her eyes slowly glazed over.
  21. Unsure I'm sorry to say Jeff, It was dark when she came past us to leave (they close the Park at 8pm and there's a fee to be released afterwards) and I didn't notice the lights I'm sorry to say. Sounded like a 396 maybe, with a very lumpy Cam. Note, the wheel's on the left, which is opposite this part of the World.
  22. Awesome shots Mr.Smith. Thanks a bunch!
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