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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Studebaker made cars here in Australia in the 50's and 60's, but the pickup was called the "Commercial" and had a separate box. A nice Resto happening here... https://www.griffs.com.au/product/1962-studebaker-champ/
  2. I have just realised, quite literally, the gravity of this statement Cat. Geez Louise
  3. Despite the clever use of slide moulds and multiple sprue gates used by Dragon, the occasional sink mark comes into play. There are a dozen on the upside of the chassis tub; but only two of these will be particularly visible on the cabin floor, the others hiding either under the gun platform or within the engine bay. Rather than fill and sand these, I decided to cut a piece of rectangular sheet styrene to fit into the footwell, thin enough to slot in under the supports for the driveshaft. This had the added benefit of covering the channels at the outside of the floor, which did not match photos of this area of the Sonder 10 / 250 chassis that I was able to find. Shown finished in primer now, with driveshaft parts and firewall added.
  4. Well, not my other Hobby, but hers... My Wife just received her custom acrylic Aquarium sump from Hmahli Marine this afternoon. Complete with inbuilt LED lighting, individual dosing ports, separate Skimmer and Media bays and dual filtration. $900 AUD all up delivered. And of course, it just has to go straight in right now. Looks like I'm cooking dinner tonight. I'm just glad she doesn't have Horses!
  5. The dashboard is next up. It builds up in four main parts, with the firewall sandwiched between and the channel for the hood assembly towards the front. The sides parts are beveled on the inside faces to provide a substantial mating surface, and rake forwards as the nose tapers towards the front. Also added are the tiny pedals in the footwell, and a grab-bar forward of the passenger position that was a nightmare to trim and finish without bending. The engine is also tacked on in situ, with the bell housing protruding through the cavity in the firewall for effect. Unsure if the entire engine will be added and detailed, or merely just enough to give the impression from the cabin side. Parts primed to check for fit and fidelity, the modular nature of this kit's construction lends itself well to painting and detailing in sections.
  6. Agreed... cleaning up those track parts, even without the assembly process, is going to be time consuming in itself. I would not be at all surprised. Patrick Agte in his Stackpole Publishing book on Wittmann gives an account of an UshFührer Warnrcke, who detoured his entire Company to a Paris Restaurant owned by a good friend on the night of June 8th for a lavish meal on the house. Urgency seems not to have been a priority for the Germans on the Invasion Front.
  7. I was under the impression that up the chain was acceptable for winning builds (Local / Regional / National), but the reverse was frowned upon. Regardless, it would be a shame if more people were deprived of seeing this incredible build in person.
  8. It is completely illegal here in Queensland. No part of the wheel / tyre combination may protrude past the bodywork when viewed from the side or above. It has been the since since I began driving in 1984, and wanted to put 7" rims on my Mk 4 Cortina. The only difference was, the Police enforced the law back then. You see it all the time now, most often on jacked-up 4wd's. There is another pertinent law here, Motorists must pass Cyclists with a metre space on roads under 60kph, and are a metre and a half on roads above that speed. This is diligently enforced though, as some militant Cyclists take every opportunity to go on Social Media when the gap is encroached. But yeah, spiked covers on your wheel nuts is just asking for trouble.
  9. Hang on a minute... Your food preparation routine is; cook food, and search for MORE food until original food is ready?
  10. No need... It's the last thing to go thru a windscreen bug's mind!
  11. That, good Sir, is a complete waste of an afternoon. Mind if I join you?
  12. Rather than a Fly on a wall... How about a bug on the windscreen of Amelia Earhart's Electra?
  13. The only kit I'm actively seeking is the 1/35 Dragon Sd.Kfz.250/9 Neu variant #6316, specifically that one as it's the most up to date version of the kit. There is a chain of toy stores here in Brisbane, that used to have hundreds of Dragon armour kits, but in the last year they have liquidated them all and don't stock the brand anymore. About the only other on my list would be a variant of the Ar234; was thinking of picking up a Fly kit now that they've repopped their initial releases, but will probably hold off for the Zoukei Mura kit now.
  14. But, on the bright side... Unlike an Ex-Wife, kits in you stash: Won't complain that you never took them anywhere or bought them any accessories... Didn't mind if you left them spread out on the table waiting for two hours because the Football was on TV... Don't care if you fondled some other piece of plastic every once in a while, and left them in the dark about it. S
  15. I saw a letterbox on my rounds today that might suit said Student. I haven't seen them available for sale, so I suspect that it's been somewhat Doctored...
  16. I am finding more often that new arrivals to the Country are taking on English first names. This helps in work and social situations, but can also be problematic... I was delivering once to a "Susan", but her elderly Chinese Mother who was home and spoke no English didn't know who this Susan was who was living with her! It can also bite you in the Butt in other ways... Trying to work out how to get my mouth around this pronunciation!
  17. Well yes, and no... When I was young, I basically built whatever I bought or was gifted more or less straight away. The joy of completion was more important than accuracy, or the possibility of having more kits to look forward to for the next build. This was also the 1970's, in a Regional centre where all that was available was whatever the local Toy store got in... wonderful images of other kits in a Manufacturer's range that appeared on the sides of boxes were sometimes so out of reach that they may have well been on the Moon. Now in this digital age, where I'm more in control of a disposable income and the next Überkit is but a click away, I find I'm more selective about what I purchase and save for later. My specific interests are somewhat tempered by the nagging tug of my own mortality on the back of my shirt, and the realisation that I'll never get to build them all... Unlike my ten year old self. S
  18. "We must leave the EU" was the chorus So the task has now fallen to Boris But the Muppet then panics With a Parliamentary Annex Just get on with the job, and don't bore us.
  19. Ern, I think it's "H-wee H-wong" with a half gutteral "H" like the French put in front of 'Renault' only not as emphasised. I deliver to a Mr. Huang and he's never corrected me. Hope I'm not insulting him
  20. This one will only make sense to half of you... Ben Stokes was the Man of the day With flair, and an ounce of sashay He survived the appealin' (Though born in New Zealand) What a pity he beat the Affray!
  21. Or... An affable Royal named Andy Would flat with a Pal who was Randy His American chum Soon turned out well hung An excuse for the Press would be handy!
  22. Rob, I'm trying for a sooty effect around the gun and compass, with browns to follow later around the deck and vehicle. I'm taking inspiration from this Museum piece... But trying to keep the soot and grime a little more subtle than this. I experimented with various techniques to get the balance right. The Tamiya spray lacquer is very hard and can be repeatedly worked over without removing the finish. I am using watercolour pencils for the weathering; alternating between working the pencil directly on the Sand base finish, and applying the colour with a brush diluted with water. After the colour dries, I'm using a gummi Eraser over the top to create highlights, with a light scrub over the top with silver and yellow pencil. This is after a slight re-working to tone down the weathering. The good thing about the watercolours, is that you can scrub with an old toothbrush soaked in detergent, and start over if you're not happy.
  23. Agreed, Lots of great progress being made here Robert.
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