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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Thanks Maru, but... There's nothing personal on my Facebook account that can't be found on other sites I visit such as this one. We never put birthdays or addresses on, and only post where we've been after we return. Conversely; when my former Partner passed away, her Father quickly contacted our Insurance provider and managed to convince them that he was the Executor of the Estate and successfully got the cheque re-routed to his address... it was just lucky that someone at the company was diligent enough to call me to let me know. All he used was her name, address and D.O.B, and the charms of a Snake Oil Salesman; much less than would have been on a quarterly statement that someone might have pinched out of our letterbox. So, there are much easier ways to get information on people if you set your mind to it. S
  2. That's particularly apt then... As it sounds like a task best suited to being sequestered away in a hotel for the weekend!
  3. Thanks Mike... It's subtle, but it compliments the finish rather than draw attention to the riveted areas, which for me works well in this case. Soooo... worth the effort you think?
  4. Wumm

    12 Strong

    Jeff, Ivan, everyone... Thank you for your concern and gratitute (and your own service Ivan) , I will pass it along with my own when I see him next. He recently re-upped in exchange for a transfer back from up North, so she will have plenty of family support when Baby arrives. The Army seems to look after their people much better these days. One of my earliest memories is of not being able to sleep as a 5 year old in '72, because the kitchen light was always on all night next door... Mum said it was because the young Man next door couldn't sleep at night 'because of the War', and not to bring it up with him. It's only later that the full extent of what that meant exactly came into focus for me. Don't think I've given away anything I shouldn't have here. No names, no pack drill. Never know who's watching. Thanks again Guys
  5. Another example of why LSM has the best scale Model reviews around. Super clear close-ups, comprehensive analysis with build tips thrown in for good measure. Well done Jim!
  6. Wumm

    12 Strong

    It's still very much in flux. My Brother-in-Law is going to Afghanistan shortly for an extended stay, he's regular Army Signals and has had a Combat refresher course recently. His Fiancé is expecting their first child in February next year.
  7. OK then... Obvoiusly, somewhere in the Far East, there's a Bailiff knocking at some poor Sap's door looking for an Alimony check you owe! Pay it forward... or Karma will find you!
  8. Either somebody, somewhere loves you... Or you have a Chinese Doppelganger. I can't tell which.
  9. Still lots more room than the inside of a Sprintcar. Better view too Welcome Tony!
  10. One more Pupper before Squirrels... Captain Jack Spaniel
  11. I can go some way towards answering that Peter, while doing my best to leave personalities out of it. For those who have been treated in a similar fashion while Members of 'The Other Site', the interactions on this thread come as no surprise. The swearing, name-calling and bullying that happens in the background goes completely un-noticed by the rest of the Members. This happy facade must be defended at all costs, even to the point of going onto other sites such as this one and breaking not only the rules here, but the rules of their own site that were used against some of us who are now here on LSM and happy to be rid of them. I find this particularly galling - you don't want me there, but yet you still want to be able to follow me and continue to harass me. This is something the PlasticDocs of the World will never understand. He may excuse and condone the type of behaviour exhibited earlier, and condemn me for my own (while paradoxically also calling me a 12 year old with his parting shot), but one of these days he will hopefully come to the realisation that the only way to deal with Bullies, is to stand up to them. I for one am grateful that the Moderating team here are consistent with their rules, don't play favorites, and stand for so much more than the kind of hypocritical facade that others value so highly.
  12. No Ernie, I'm afraid you're mistaken there. Apart from a few isolated instances where they've hitched a ride with the odd Freight consignment, you don't find Cane Toads that far South, it's far to frosty down there.
  13. When it rains here, they come out onto the roads in great numbers. Even moreso the further north you go. They're a bugger to catch... but once you do, they're surprisingly compliant...
  14. It's known locally as a Road Hump.
  15. We do that with Cane Toads here in Queensland. Not eat them, run them over.
  16. Soooooooo nice to wake up this morning, not having had your Creepy Ex banging on the front door all night yelling... "Why don't you love me anymore?" Or was that Possums in the roof?
  17. You can really see the love that's gone into those Masters.
  18. Well, you'll find that you can eat almost anything if your situation is dire enough. However, rather than use up all your provisions at once, you'll find they'll last much longer... If you're made to suck it instead.
  19. I see greens there, that's better. Not much chop in the Sinai though.... Oy!
  20. That's so cruel Ivan... I can't have Bacon.
  21. Thanks Guys... Looks like it splitting the ends of the wheel wells in the way they have is the better way to do it. Also seems to prove the fidelity of the PCM wing.
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