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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. WHOA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................... D U D E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Not our Mossie, Peter, we can only wish we were that far along...... that is a great pic, love the internals....
  3. Here is a pic of the Nacelle we have for our Mosquito that is under restoration in Alberta, Canada, if it is of any help.... Jeff
  4. Well, actually, I did notice on the other site, that he was prolific with the underground style photos, and thought ah ha....Double Agent...... then I thought, naw, more like " ah, the old camera in the tie clip trick , eh?" ( we all know who that was, right?), then I went right back to the double agent thing..... WITH, the camera in the tie clip ! All Bovine Excrement aside, he is most definitely a wealth of some VERY cool and unusual pics, and also has them at the drop of a Ushanka....... A good Tovarich ...................... Da???
  5. Also....................... I'm sure the dog may suffer too....... she would look funny with her tail stuck to her ears....................... the other Beagles would laugh at her...
  6. Thanks John, I really appreciate that....
  7. it's the CA glue, that worries me......................, I would have parts stuck to my shirt, the dinner table, and half my fingers glued together...... not to mention, possibly a fork glued to my coffee cup..........and lets not even go to the TV control!!!!!!.............. so that is it in a nut shell......................................
  8. Thanks, Harv, never stepped that deep..... not sure I have the smarts for a full on resin kit......
  9. SO sweet to see a Canadian subject, we did have some pretty colored airplanes back in the day, awesome , Peter.....
  10. Geez, Carl, I love it........................
  11. After 9 of them John, who needs the instructions? If and when I try one, YOU, my friend will be the first guy I ask questions of................. I'd like to do one in FAA , I always thought they looked cool with the clipped wing tips, and some had some neat cammo..... I will be following along, watching the Master at work .......
  12. Not being checked out, on this one, resin or IM? kit
  13. Martin........................... where do you get ALL of these cool pics?? You never fail..... some really neat ones....
  14. Useless, but it looked cool......
  15. I, along with all you guys remember when the Mig 25 was such a top secret and somewhat scary proposition for us on this side of the planet........now , looking at these pics, it doesn't seem so formidable, but back in the day it was a fearsome piece of kit for sure... strange how time changes most everything........... I still have my copy of the book about Belenko's defection...... THAT was a big deal...... is he still around??, and what ever happened to him?
  16. Hey Hubert, like the rest have said, great to have you here, to chime in with laughter and humor, and what ever else tickles your fancy, like an old road foreman used to tell us................. " we're all here , because we're not all there"........................ well, it sure worked for when we were on the job, but you get what I mean..LOL!!!
  17. Now THAT is funny, I don't care who you are !!
  18. Well, it's true John, I only wish I could replicate some of your talents..... you really inspire me to try harder that's for sure...
  19. I totally agree with Peter.....
  20. All I can do is echo this, and add exquisite, the details make this a truly great build, first the seat, that is so close to perfect, then the radio wire connectors, and then the canopy masking....... its all in the details.... I could look at that seat for hours....... you really nailed that............
  21. looks like my son's former ride.................. I will have to check.....
  22. Geez.............. here's your hat..... whats your hurry....... sounds like they are being a little bit 'harsh' on some of us..... oh well ...........as the RAF Pathfinder's motto "Press on Regardless"...... so................. lets Press On...................... we can play nice in THIS sand box...
  23. as Merle would say Movin On !!
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