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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Martin.... don't be embarrassed, we only had the ONE B 47, and it was 'borrowed' from our cousins south of the border, it was only used for a test bed for the Orenda engine, and when that project was finished, the aircraft was sent back to the USA, and I read just recently it was scrapped shortly afterwards...... Jeff
  2. If you put it on a shelf, you will have to cut holes in the outside walls of the house for the wings................... that would look cool....... the cops would be able to find you easy then..... and yeah, looks like my bench, it will need to be shoveled off for sure..... can't wait to watch this one go together... for once I may get the front row seat.............. Jeff
  3. I'd love to see a REAL Bells 206 Jetranger helicopter in all 3 scales, NOT a chopped up hybrid Kiowa made to, kind of, sort of ,maybe 'appear' to be some kind of Jet Ranger like we have now.............. sorry boys I'm a bit of a helicopter nut......................... or maybe just nuts? Jeff
  4. " It's the MOST wonderful time of the year" ................. to quote Andy Williams!!
  5. This one is WAY better than the tracker I was using, I love the identification info, thanks Maru................... you are the BEST
  6. Yeah, no politics.. ;-) and yes we could use a little more 'iron' with the fires, although we are lucky right here in Nelson, nothing so far , but it's all around us...... I appreciate your thanks for our 'families' service they ALL do an awesome job... Yes, Us Canadians are a generous lot.....................
  7. That's cool...... I like the openness for ideas.... that can only make it more fun and a greater place for guys like me to learn and find better ways.... awesome... thanks for that....
  8. Gotta love it eh Harv?
  9. Martin, the guy manning eh gun could be my son ! , he said they were really cool birds....loud, strong and to the point.......maybe we might get these as a replacement, in about 200 years, as we use our birds until there is nothing left, just retired our 1960's Seakings...... I had to chuckle, when I saw a Canadian Seaking crew member wearing a patch on his uniform, with an embroidered Seaking, it read.................. " Flying Yesterday's Aircraft Tomorrow"....................... had to chuckle at that one.... Ernie, never worry about a rant like that, with a son in the Canadian Army and my daughter in law in the RCAF I more than agree with you, but our Federal Government, doesn't seem to look at it like that..... I guess that's why were are buying used 20 year old F-18's to replace our 30 year old F 18's............
  10. Yes, I noticed that...... that is one of the main reasons I came here..... I hear you loud and clear on that for sure, and agree 100%..... this is refreshing.. ;-)
  11. wow, Martin...................... you ask................ and.................. whoosh.............. it's done.............. just how cool is that? Now there is some progressive work by the admin....and FAST, very cool, I'm gonna really like it here......especially with all those familiar 'faces'....
  12. My son, a Major in the Canadian Army flew in a 17 in Afghanistan, said it was like flying in his Leopard, built VERY strong and robust, he felt very safe in it... I thought it was cool, that he go to fly in one... I'd love to as well, they are plentiful, so that must show it's a good machine..... he said it was a blast.....a great ride....
  13. Well................................ back to the drawing board.............................. As a helicopter nut, that breaks my heart, I am glad all were ok, but still looks to have been a fairly firm landing..................kind of shows the cabin strength of this machine though......
  14. https://www.ultracast.ca/product-p/ec32-163.htm These might work in a pinch...... Kevin is a good guy to deal with.... maybe a little pricey, but if there is no other choice...... Jeff
  15. You may not have to find the '5', as Hammy was from my home town, there is huge controversy as to what number he flew, also apparently KD658 wasn't connected to 115....... not sure where all that comes from, but I do have a copy of the 1841 squadron ORB, as well as a narrative from a fellow who was there......and there is some reference to that subject................. now with all that said, it is YOUR model, and you build it as you see fit...... would American numbers work, as they have the cropped outlines?? I always thought that the 115 number looked very American....... just my 2 cents worth..... Jeff
  16. That is very cool.......
  17. We are definitely going to need that bigger boat !
  18. Thanks Phil, I think I'm up to my knees so far
  19. I agree Peter, I'd give your post a like , but I'm getting like Harv, I can't post any more likes to day ! Time to rock on !! LOL!!!!
  20. John, your paint work has such depth, that seat cushion is outstanding, just exactly the right amount of 'weathering'....... it looks real...... I would like to be able to have that kind of talent.....
  21. Wow, Ernie, that is lookin really good..... I would say your skills will turn out a top notch bird, I watching too....... cheers Mate Jeff
  22. I'm really late to this party......................... outstanding build, and sad, but incredible history..... watching with much interest.....
  23. Short oars for trolling and long oars for water skiing? I'm in for the free beer and pretzels.................. better make it a BIG Yacht, Maru, the BAR will be a busy place
  24. With everyone 'crossing over from the other side'........................ do we need a bigger boat???
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