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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Looks to be the frame of a Mack R 700 ....... probably not, but it looks like it.....
  2. Chick magnet ...............................
  3. This thread sure went off the rails in a hurry eh? Sorry Harv....
  4. That's Blasphemous !
  5. That's Blasphemous !
  6. AND, a HOT Sports Car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like an old guy at work used to say, You could look like a Chicago pimp at a Hollywood Convention !
  7. Oh geez... life sure has a way, eh, Harv? I will do my best to keep you out of jail.. .... and buying more kits, many more .... I hate the moving thing, and packing is even worse.... on that score I feel your pain.... and then there is the adventure of opening said packed boxes and seeing how much stuff got broken.... yuck.... best of luck with the packing and boxing of 'stuff'..... I'm with ya buddy
  8. 🍺 I am watching in awe......
  9. Now, that's pretty cool!
  10. 100% agreed !!, and if you do a wip I will watch with enthusiasm as I have started that kit as well.... now NOT trying to tell you what to do or how to do it, but I have read multiple build threads and have the book, what I did was took a few days to go through the instruction book, and decide what configuration you would like... dropped flaps etc, as some sections require specific assembly parts and sequence. Also pay close attention to the left and right engine fire walls, they look almost the same but they are left and right... what I did was take a pencil and crossed off the parts of the instructions that didn't pertain to my build, and high lighted specific sections that needed specific care.... I am still building mine ( well have stopped for a while due to life getting in the way ) take these suggestions or not, but I will certainly be watching with interest...
  11. Hero cookie for trying? Either way I know your rendition of this will be really good.... I'm watching with interest for sure
  12. 400 Squadron RCAF ?
  13. That sounds like a plan.... now, to get a dvd of 633 Squadron and Mosquito Squadron and play them while building will keep the juices flowing... especially the music on 633 Sqdn !
  14. I personally think, that is the Best one you have done yet.... and that goes a way as you have done some real beauties... this one tops them..
  15. That's AWESOME, John ! You hit the mark on every point... I LOVE that !! Take a bow !
  16. Hands like a surgeon .........................
  17. I still can't get over how generous you guys are, Carl. It's kind of refreshing in this somewhat turbulent world we find ourselves in these days....
  18. This is our B.35, the 'hole' on the right side of the pic is the 'bomb bay', and that is where the fuel tanks go, as you can see some of the plumbing, then the bomb rack, then the doors.... Martin, note hoe the 'hole' is white, this is as in original condition.....
  19. The bomb racks go over the fuel tanks , so it is.......... top to bottom.... bomb bay roof, fuel tanks, then bomb racks.... bombs and then the doors...
  20. Thanks gents, I love the Mosquito, and researching it as well... hope this helps Martin a little bit... and yes I think your very right, Carl, the rib rape looks way better....
  21. They got their shipment and have a few on sale , prices are good... not inflated... search Wingnut Wings and they will come up
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