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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. And here I thought I was the only one not on the mega social media sites …. Thought I was still in the stone age, it warms me to know I’m not alone. As with some of you guys , this is all I do ‘social media’ wise. Sadly there seems to be so much ‘bad press’ regarding the big SM sites and that is kind of a sad statement on our society. I preferred to opt out of them , so here I am. Jeff
  2. Sure don’t see many of these on the roads any more. This is a true classic. Can’t wait to see what you do with it , Ron. Did you snag that from Paul at STS? Jeff
  3. I absolutely LOVE the low bed. I would love to have that in my collection , I am thinking of a load of the ERTL International mine truck dump box . Have seen real loads of those monsters on the highway. Keep going Ron. Always very interested Jeff
  4. I’m quietly loving this build , Phil. Top drawer job ! Jeff
  5. I’m interested. I LOVE this sort of thing. I may never get there to see it for myself and love to learn of what things look like today and of detailed history. I’m in Jeff
  6. Thanks for the info. I appreciate that.
  7. Outstanding. ! What a clean smooth finish. Just beautiful, John.
  8. Thanks , Ron. She is sure lookin spot on. Did you use Miliput for filling those brake chambers? That is what I think I will do with mine. I sure wish we could access some good aftermarket brake chambers. Those Italeri ones on their trucks are painfully underscale and way too small. Ad always I patiently await your next update. Truck on buddy. Jeff
  9. Lookin good Ron. Where did you get the chrome rims for the floats? They look great. Can’t wait for the next update. Cheers mate
  10. Good job , buddy. !!! I know what the ‘extras’ are and they are awesome! VERY glad they ‘tossed in ‘ the extras with the poster !
  11. One of my top fav’s , John. I will be following along in the back row
  12. Good luck with the move and best wishes to you. Jeff
  13. Why is everything ‘streamed’ these days??? What if some of us don’t stream???? I really hate good shows in a format that needs to be purchased after I pay huge money for what I already have. This looks to be a great movie but I guess you guys will have to tell me all about it in January.
  14. Don’t forget some ‘trannies’ ( will I be in trouble for using that word?) 🤭have a 1 to 4 shift pattern computer generated if under a certain speed and rpm. My Corvette does that, so I just make sure my speed is up a bit and same with rpms and the computer “lets” me do it the way I want. And for the record , personally , I really don’t need a computer to help me shift they just ‘think’ tjey need to help. 🙄😆
  15. Wow, Ron this build is spectacular ! You are hitting every detail perfectly. Outstanding!! Take a bow ! I LOVE the Rops you are nailing that ! Very well done. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
  16. apologies if I posted this before , but it is too good not to do agian
  17. You make a beautiful couple ,Ern.
  18. Is there anything you CAN'T scratch build? .................. This is beyond fantastic.............incredible skills you have and a keen eye for fine details... stupendous !
  19. Anything new ?? How is the recovery coming along ? Any small update wud be great to hear
  20. I always wanted the fuse tip from a WWI shell, but I don't think it will conform to our 'rules'..... 😢
  21. Thats just too cool!
  22. Thats really cool ,John. Does it still work correctly?
  23. Harv, old buddy, you are one in a million............ I am so sorry to hear of your fall..... please do your best to get on that recovery road..... with ALL best wishes for your speedy recovery and to get you back to the bench and posting again..... love ya , Pal Jeff
  24. Any progress on this project , Peter? Looking forward to your next update.
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