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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I was going to ask the same thing..... inquiring minds need to know..............
  2. Pete.......... sorry for your loss.......... I lost my beloved Beagle Murphy 12 years ago and it still shakes me up, Dogs are PEOPLE too
  3. Geez, you do nice work !
  4. That is excellent, like I said, Mike's stuff is top drawer and he is a great guy to deal with ............. this is a cool build !
  5. Mike, your work is just plain... jaw dropping...
  6. What about Red Fox Studio.......... are these any good? https://www.rfstudio.hu/termek/291
  7. Those Meng bolts are excellent, I have used them a lot on my truck builds, makes a world of difference.... super nice precise job, Carl... a pleasure to watch....
  8. Wow.................. that's gorgeous............... FYI, a lot of Helldivers were built here in Canada............ we have a connection...
  9. That is so cool.....Audie Murphy is a household name even here in Canada....
  10. RF 823 joined the Czech Air Force Dec 18, 1946, no further info.....
  11. EXCELLENT choice Hubert, and yes the book is great !
  12. With a little effort, that will buff right out !
  13. I'd be curious if you can find some and if it works....
  14. I tried that HVAC tape too, and yeah a bit thick, but I recently tried 'Chrome" tape from the automotive section of Canadian Tire and it is much much thinner and works very well for my applications.... and it seems I can 'burnish' it somewhat, I took my Exacto knife handle and gave it the old one - two and it resulted in acceptable results.... for me anyway... the stuff I got was for fixing 'chrome' on cars... it came in a roll about 2 inches wide and was about 7 bucks Canadian....
  15. Well.................. their LOSS, our GAIN.....
  16. no kidding eh?
  17. Personally, I am shocked over you getting banned Maru..... you are the last person I thought would ever have any issue what so ever. In all our correspondence over the years, about my dad in India during the war, and your mom , I have never ever seen a hint of anything that you describe. I moved over here a while ago as well, due to a LOT of negative chit chat over silly stuff, that is non existent here. I echo all the other guys, and say , I am happy you are here and look forward to chatting and seeing your input on all sorts of posts..... Like Carl says, we are Characters
  18. That's great as dogs are people too.... best of luck with him...
  19. Gary, my Beagle had arthritis, and the doc advised us give her glucosimine ( spelling ) of the human kind, I got the capsules and opened two when she had food, and after a few days she was like a new pup... it is not the cure all, but it may give Kaiser some mild relief ............ it won't hurt him at all... whats to lose?
  20. I echo everyone's assessment on your precise clean PE work, Carl, outstandingly good....
  21. HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recognize this Rooster well, it is out front of a Bar and Grille and obviously called The Black Rooster, in Castlegar British Columbia, about 25 miles from my place..... excellent beer and vittles https://blackroosterbarandgrill.com You guys ever get here we will go and the first round of good Canadian Beer is on me !
  22. I can also tell you , Mike's resin bits are top drawer, his stuff is well done and fantastic.. he is a real good guy to deal with as well...
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