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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jimmy Stewart …………. The best !!!! I miss the man !
  2. I was thinking Red Fox and am wondering about Cammo masks and not vinyl. And by the way….I’m not sure I an any where near qualified to do a WIP with this crowd. My talents at best would be classes as a ‘glue bomb’. My talents are mediocre at best and I build like a snail.
  3. Excellent. !
  4. Thanks Carl, not sure about all the decent on the inaccuracy, like you the nay sayers will not deter me as it is my model , that aside I do know the MkVI Mosquito had a variety of engines the Merlin 21,22,23, or 25 and all had little things that were a bit different. So I think we can take some of what the ‘experts’ say with a grain or two. At least that is how I’m looking at it. So we should be good 👍
  5. Christmas in February. From my good friend Martin
  6. I got caught in a weak moment. I’m probably in WAY over my head with this ,but I thought life is short and this won’t be available forever so I thought what the Hell … besides it may increase my estate for Cathy 🤭. Now trying to gather details on these real engines. Have you priced out the Haynes Merlin Owners Manual?! Holy I have seen it for over $300! Thats crazy. I guess it’s Google here I come
  7. I just watched the old 1950’s movie Appointment in London with Dirk Bogard. It was a really good movie for it’s time. About a time-ex-ed Lancaster pilot. I quite enjoyed it. A good basic war movie with no fake cgi flying , just old school cinematography
  8. Hurry home , Rog. This is just too cool. I will be sitting in the front row for this one. I love your review so far. Jeff
  9. Can’y argue that. Thanks again!
  10. Well the generosity thing touched me today….. The other day I made a purchase of the Eduard resin Merlins for my Mosquito. I casually mentioned that to our Martin and the conversation went on a bit and at the end of that conversation there is a package heading my way for my Mosquito in the form of two packs of stencils and two Reedoak figures !!! I still marvel at the huge generosity within this community. MANY Thanks Martin.
  11. I agree the camo looks cool, and maybe way too many 109’s and 190’s?🤭
  12. Absolutely. And there were a plethora of them and they were ALL good . And Martin is right they fuelled imagination in us young guys, didn’t we all play ‘Combat’, Rat Patrol, 12 O’Clock High, and even Gun Smoke. I know I had a model of the old Frog B25 and flew many 12 O’Clock High ops. Even if it wasn’t a B17. Oh the good old days. Peter, can you tell all us old guys are chomping at the bit for your build?🤭 This is going to be a great build and a trip back in time.
  13. Totally agree. Thats the show !
  14. That is so cool. Those old shows and there are a ton of them, were simple, fresh, and not insulting to our intelligence and usually had a good wholesome moral in the end. I live that stuff … unlike some of the garbage that is out there today.
  15. I googled it a few years ago and some university and I can’t remember which one but they had all episodes on line. I watched a lot of them and boy talk about going back in time and to a much simpler time in my life. It was blissful. I wish they would bring those old shows back. … Broderic Crawford in Highway Patrol, Chuck Conners as the rifleman etc. build on Peter. This is going to be great!!
  16. Loved Sky King. Never missed an episode. My dad and I watched it religiously. Following this build , Peter. Jeff
  17. How long did it take to get the order?
  18. Absolute MASTER Class work !
  19. Phil , I have gone back to the first page on your build and I have to agree that this build is fabulous and the cammo is really good. I hope when I do mine I can come close to your skill on this one. I love this. Your Mossie will be a show stopper.
  20. I hear ya on all that, I have good intentions as well, but I rarely obtain them as hard as I try. But my heart is in the right place🙄 But , in all seriousness I do follow your builds with great interest and admiration. I always look forward to your next instalments. Jeff
  21. Rob, you have a build ‘schedule’??? Now that is really cool ! 😊
  22. Maru, THAT is just WAY too COOL !!!!! Thank you so much for sharing that. VERY interesting and I , for one , had no idea regular folks could obtain such coins. I may have to look into this. Such fabulous history to hold in one’s hand. Thanks again !
  23. I love the color choice , Mike. This is just so cool Jeff
  24. Thanks Maru I will look forward to that. Yes all is well , thanks for asking. 🥰
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