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About tomv1987

  • Birthday 08/20/1962

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    San Antonio, Texas

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  1. Nice work on that cockpit. I would like to hear more about your technique as well. Regards, Tom
  2. Coming along nicely, Rick. Those seatbelts are a huge improvement over the kit ones. Tom
  3. Looking good, Rick. Can't wait to see more!
  4. That's a nice scheme there--excellent work!
  5. Looking good! Nice paintwork.
  6. Beautiful build Doug! Tom
  7. Very nice work Arno! Great dio... Like you say, all those tools add to the realism!
  8. Beautiful work! Can't wait to see more! Tom
  9. Beautiful build Wouter! Stunning work so far. May I ask how you glued those parts to the clear pieces without any fogging taking place? Thanks Tom
  10. Beautiful work on your Dora! Thanks for posting. Regards Tom
  11. Rick- Thanks for (re)posting this. This is a fine example of a thorough build log. Your skills at cutting, filing, filling and pinning were quite refined, even at this early stage. Your work here will make it easier for me to attempt any modifications in my future builds. You turned out a nice Rufe here. Regards, Tom
  12. Coming along nicely Dennis! Nice looking cockpit! Tom
  13. Well I'm finished with graduate school, so I finally have a chance to get back to my Zeke. First things first, clean and organize my desk space...now it looks like this: Time to build! I managed to get the wings on, although the port side fit better than the starboard. I had to use a lot of finger pressure to keep it down, although it is still a little high. I may have to sand it down a bit. But first I want to fix the gaps at the nose: Still some sanding to do after a shot of primer: But it's getting better. I decided to turn my attention to the wingtip lights and get them on and painted. I masked them with some Grumbacher liquid latex (due to the curves) and masked off the rest. I sprayed Testors Acryl Clear Red and Clear Green to finish them off, but I thought the green was not blue enough: Once they dried, I decided to blue them up. I decided to mix a few drops of blue food coloring with some Future: Much bluer now--it looks better to me: During this process, I broke off the fine interior wing structure on the folded wing-tip when I stuck it into that blu-tak. Great! Something else to fix: I managed to wiggle the rest of the plastic piece off of the PE hinges--that made it easier to drill. I used a piece of paperclip as a pin, but it was too big, so I filed it down into a smaller squarish shape to fit it in: I want the pin to be the part that fits into that PE, and bridge the gap in the plastic for a stronger bond. CA glue into one part first, then file down and test fit. You can barely see the pin in this pic: Glued and dried, it fits right into the wing as it should. And all is right again with my build: Anyway, hope to post more soon! Thanks for looking in! Tom
  14. Beautiful work! Can't wait for more! Tom
  15. Very nice work. Tom
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