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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Pete, being too harsh on yourself. I understand you want it 100% perfect, but if you did not mention it, I would no have noticed it. This is by FAR the best 1/24 Mosquito build I have seen to date.
  2. As I said on the other site, just bloody fantastic.
  3. Wow, thats just stunning.
  4. Cant we all club in and get this guys some meds?
  5. Of course, primary school science. Damn, thanks Rob. What do you use?
  6. Awesome Pete. How did you paint the guns? I have a problem where Tamiya primer wont really stick the brass, and chip very easily.
  7. Found this interesting, thought I will share:
  8. Holey smokes!!!
  9. Havent seen you on the other side for a while Peter. Gerhard
  10. Brilliant Pete!!! I plan on starting mine in December and will use your build a "How To" guide. Job well done. I am eagerly waiting to see what Eduard are bringing to the market end of October. They are launching PE sets for this beast.
  11. Excellent thread so far James. Will follow it closely. Hopefully HKM will launch a version without the clear fuselage parts and knock a few $ off the price. With our exchange rate, it is a big ask at the going rate. Keep it up,
  12. Looking very good. For markings, have you looked at www.hannants.co.uk?
  13. WOW, exquisite!!! Very well done.
  14. Welcome.
  15. What a brilliant piece of kit, alas, the ZAR exchange rate put this waaayyyy out my reach.
  16. What CrazyPoet said. I just got back into the hobby and I just dont feel my work justifies being posted here as yet. I am still busy with 2nd practice build ans it's only 1/48 scale.
  17. Some really brilliant PE work there. I dont have the guts to work with PE.
  18. Something just stirred in my pants. Awesome job!!!!
  19. You sure you have enough in your stash? I'm green with envy.
  20. That is an insane good build. Well done. Something to strive for. for me personally. I will just need to get my skill levels up 2000%.
  21. Brilliant!!!
  22. What material was used for the Mosquito prop blades? Were they wood or an alloy of sorts? 1940 onwards. I believed they were made in Canada.
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