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Everything posted by Grunhertz

  1. Typical aries then?
  2. Bummer good luck getting a replacement
  3. I agree too it's a work of art
  4. Good stuff was there much anhedral?
  5. That looks great! Wiring always sets an engine off especially a radial
  6. Looks great
  7. There seems a lot of these at the moment but you can't have too many b25's yes I'll be watching
  8. That sounds like trumpeter all over to me
  9. Hi Peter yes you can but the important thing to remember is that they only had a soft edge after a trip to a MU the masks were originally mats laid on the surface then sprayed so the soft edge didn't usually appear. They do on restored aircraft of warbirds however. If you want a soft edge a small piece if blu tack or tamiya tape under the edge does the trick
  10. Liking that a lot nice work
  11. Lovely stuff and a great start
  12. I've used Sean's masks on loads of projects. I have real issues with using blu tack I can't get it to stick to the surface. The masks work well for me as you can see
  13. That's beautiful nice technique. I'll put that away for when I build my e
  14. That is pure modelling at it's best nice one
  15. Well the masks have arrived. So the tempest will be moving on soon
  16. Nice work well done
  17. Looks good nice work on the cannons
  18. I feel your pain on that one but I'm sure you'll get there
  19. Nice one! What green do you use for curtiss interior green?
  20. That looks beautiful nice work
  21. That's looking nice. You don't see enough Merlin p 40's
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