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Everything posted by Grant

  1. The Before and After shots huh? It's amazing isn't it .. no matter how many time we take the pledge of tidiness and cleanliness we always fail. Looks great Harv. and a comfy chair too. I', staggered sometimes when I see what some guys sit on for what must be hours on end. You gotta have a comfy chair.
  2. Don't need those to start gluing things together .... Ha! get out of that one !!
  3. Martin, I know the elavator in that booth lead down into a cavernous system of work rooms. Paul I reckon it leads down to the "Ministry of Magic"
  4. Have to say how cosy that looks Paul. Don't know who Brad is but I kept looking for the boxes with my name on them - I think I spotted it on the Revell U-Boat and the Schnellboot. Don't worry about the Flower Class Corvette - if that's a reboot of the Matchbox one then, thanks any way but I've built that. Serious, nice space to settle down and get on with some building.
  5. Nice Dio Jeff, as the others have said, those Tasca Shermans are super aren't they. I agree, not every Dio need to be grimy and dusty. It's great see the actual model and, who's to say, this might have been a small farm house outside a village where no fighting of any note took place and nothing caught fire. Or some clumsy b*gger just drove a Sherman through it.
  6. Oh No, No, Nooooo ! What you really need is the 1/32nd Revell He-111 AND the 1/32nd Revell Ju-88 as well. That's kick off your BoB stuff. Oh, and you HAVE to look at the Eduard bomb bays and interior detail sets as well. (Strangely enough, I have them in stock! and as this is the 1/32nd scale forum, well hmmmm)
  7. Superb stash - there's loads I'd want in my collect. D'you know ... I just can't find a Tamiya 1/32 Zero anywhere. I want one to build along side the 1/16th one I'm starting (yup 1/16th). Also I seriously fancy that 1/72 U-Boat (heresy I hear cries - but it's fairly large so I'll build it private).
  8. Brilliant stuff Cees .. Wonderful woodwork. Question.. Can you come over a build a deck for me? I need somewhere to sit with a cold gin and tonic in the summer.
  9. Looks like you're back in full swing again my friend - I love what you're doing here. But you're looking a little nekkid ! I'm sure Jeroen can make a P-38 signature banner for you. I'll try to remember to ask as well. Can't have you bare assed nekkid man.
  10. Funny, I can't bring myself to get enthusiastic about clipped wing Spits but, I have to say, Cess' is probably an exception. Gorgeous build Cees.
  11. A tidy desk means you haven't got enough to do ! (which by the way is complete nonsense but it's a saying that came to mind)
  12. Ye Gods! you've got more than me and I'm a retailer !! Great workroom and stash !!
  13. You're so welcome Guy ! Is that a Wimpy Wellington in the background ?
  14. I asked that very same thing when LSP updated their software a while back - the points thing suddenly appeared and I was anxious that I'd done something wrong. I do believe it's what Nick said, they come with the software package. And yes ... Mods can see everything Mwahahaha!
  15. Nice office Guy, it just screams Man Cave ! <<<< not jealous, not jealous, not jealous >>>>
  16. Ahem, qualifies for the 10% Members' Discount too. http://www.arrow-wolf.com/product/hobbyboss-ilyushin-il-2-sturmovik-on-skis/ http://www.arrow-wolf.com/product/hobbyboss-ilyushin-il-2m3-ground-attack-aircraft/
  17. Yeah, I just have no idea what these kits are like ... I can tell you one thing though - the rubber tracks are pants ! I've order a resin set and replacement barrels from Panzershop. I just hope I have enough filler
  18. Gosh, that's nice. I really MUST do something in armour (Oh, yeah - just remembered, I'm starting off with an Emhar WW1 Male Mk.IV for a future Group Build - easy way to start my armour modelling !!)
  19. Piet, that's superb - love it. Great choice of subject - the Centurion was iconic of its era, first on the dock at Suez, first through the berms in Kuwait. Extraordinary MBT.
  20. Whoa - that's nice, really really nice. Such a great looking aircraft. Why, oh why doesn't a large respected manufacturer offer this in 1:32nd?? 1:48 is great - just look at what you've achieved, a stunning build, but can you imagine this in 1:32nd ??
  21. You're very welcome to "can't resist" at Arrow Wolf !
  22. Virgin Flyer? PS: where's your LSM banner Mike? choose your favourite.
  23. Mike - superb armour ! I'm very, very tempted by the 1/24th scale Tasca Panzer II I've got in stock BUT I have to remember its stock and not my personal stash !! Pity that. KoJo - nice, but I think you need to see someone . But those Dragon Wing-Tech E-3's are super impressive.
  24. Nice collection, I counted at least 10 that I would have in my stash (if I had one).
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