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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by krow113

  1. What are the death tolls/ With Spain and Italy apparently throwing in the towel , shouldn't there be footage of mass graves and bulldozers , piles of burning bodies etc? Seems a little open ended at this point to be resulting in such mass hysteria. A conversation today: " My generation went through AIDS and a lot of other health issues , this is just a cold." Another; " All of Chinas case' amount to .0003% of their population" Cant help but think this may be a test to confirm what will happen if there is a real problem. Guage herd reaction , see what markets are affected , corner those markets and introduce another 'designer' virus to suit. Just musing , nothing personal.
  2. You know he never printed those spoked wheels or a lot of other parts on the model. Good work but the pen did very little of it.
  3. You mean the blood in his corn liquor .
  4. Too bad the virus couldn't be "politically correct" . If ya get my meaning.... HHHHIIIIYYYYYOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thangya Thangya I'm here all week.
  5. Thank God in a world wide pandemic , Spain brought to her knees , peeps dropping like flies , panic and stupidity the watchwords , I can get accurate concise information at a click. On a model forum.
  6. You don't get it cuz it takes retarded thinking to get it. Simple. Human. Herd. Stupidity.
  7. lol I remember the TP plant here in B.C. got shut down for a weekend by some sign guys , prolly wouldn't go over so well in todays world.
  8. LOL! Unless Trudope (oh wishful thinking) gets it , little of consequence will happen in Canada , as there is no accountability in this country.
  9. One dead so far as I know in B. C. An old man at deaths door any way finally went so may as well say its CV , sell more papers (toilet & news) to idiots that way.
  10. Cool Model assy's referred to as 'Bitches" Model on Dude.
  11. Big deal. I had it , got cured , got it again 15 minutes later. ...and so on.
  12. I thought this was about a new aircraft kit....
  13. Gmac - Thank you. Touch ups arrive in flurries , do some , preen a little , then do some more as the color comes up. I dropped the tail on: Mismatch at he bottom , no biggie , I wasn't trying to get a perfect transition, not that good. Some touch up should make it better. Other side better:
  14. harv , Gaz , Doc , Jeff - Thank you! Work goes on leisurely , touch up of the shapes easily done with post-it notes: Sanding and manipulation causing minor issues: And like that: Nice with the shapes all next to each other without any drama , certainly a viable camo technique.
  15. Getting my machines repaired , impaired modelling for a while. Here is the camo. All 5 colors are applied and touch up underway. These are some pretty good shots of the work: Points to consider: 1) The procedure is a viable one , akin to armour track assy or stencil decals on a jet. 2) There is really no 'paint edge' as the paint is actually butting up against the applications around it. 3) First coat is crucial to get adhered properly. 4) Time learning the properties of the mask material is needed. 5) Cut polygonal shapes fall back into place as there are surrounding shapes to help guide it. 6) Most likely not a commercially viable set of masks. All of the ones I've developed for A Gotha would be a lot! Thanks for looking and commenting. 14044
  16. Maybe hit the paint manufacturers website and see if they offer coverage estimates...?
  17. By all means go ahead and buy alla the a/m available, the build time extends exponentially as you purchase !
  18. Good question. The rush to A/M is a tricky road to go down. I bought alla the sets available for the Gotha at the time, I regret that now. Most of the sets look as if they are rushed to production and most of the p/e I wont use. I used some of it for templates , but did not need it specifically for that. Some forums appear to be selling markets for a lot of this stuff, and I will say that some of it is crap and not needed. Be careful and don't just buy because some 'industry name' says so , or you saw it on a forum.
  19. good work. A dark wash would make the detail pop.
  20. Thanks Ryan. Adhesion issues persisted , no biggie. I don't want to post pics of an unfinished work. First color must be applied dilifgently. The technique is sound and is a viable procedure. Please bear with me as I work through the cleanup. Thank you .
  21. Color # 5 AK 2274 German Mauve applied: And looking VERY complimentary: Color spread: Whew! Getting done never felt so good, I can see some issues but I've known for years there is no such thing as a perfect paint job. Gotta get on with paying work now, this has to dry for a while too.
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