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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Carl Just catching up and amazing progress on your dual F4 builds. Nice work on the front offices and your decaling procedure is something I am absolutely going to try. Also quite impressed with how ZM tackled the cockpits, as there are so many differences included plus the slats and reinforcing belly straps.
  2. Dave Awesome progress and looking mighty good. Right with Carl on his exhaust painting comments, as the variations look so good. With the paint work finished, nice to see you're onto the decals. Are you planning on adding all the stencil Phantoms are famous for wearing? Chris went all out on his F4 with them and on my F-14, I also spent loads of time adding all the supplied stencils. They just look great and, in my book, well worth the loads of time they will require.
  3. John I'm front and center and following all the way.
  4. HI Guys Just thought it would be best to thank all my friends for a wonderful welcome home and nice to be back at the bench again. Earlier today Diane and I had a consultation with a Cardiac Specialist who reviewed in detail the procedure that Diane will be going through in a few months' time. We know what to expect and the outlook looks good. 🤞
  5. Thanks Rob, so greatly appreciated. I'm hoping I'm back to the stage I can sit and work, relax and leave the medical issues behind for a few hours at a time. Diane and I have been through a lot and we're eager to move forward and tackle the obstacles ahead.
  6. Gus Just back and picking up following your progress. Looking mighty good.
  7. Just back myself and what an awesome project. Will be following with interest.
  8. John I'm just blown away and I never thought anything like this was possible, but you proved me wrong. Looking so good, just brilliant work.
  9. Seems to my old eyes, each P-40 has the stripes leaning in the opposite direction.
  10. Thanks Dennis, I sure hope so.
  11. Thanks John, looking forward to building and posting again. Just thought it was time to try and sit at the bench and work again. Besides doing pretty much nothing, it's not only frustrating but depressing as well.
  12. Holy smoke, didn't think I was absent that long and look at all those sci fi kits ... pretty amazing.
  13. It's been a good, long while and I'm hoping to be able to sit at the bench again, spend time on the forum with all my friends and build The Kotari Spitfire Mk Va which arrived a while back. Of course, I've been a bit puzzled as to the fact Qunita hasn't released a cockpit set and for the first time in a very long time, I'll be building a kit without one.
  14. Maru Thank you for the post and asking how Diane and I are doing. We're hanging in there and I just posted a short update as to the past few months. I'm going to try and work at the bench gain and see how that goes. At least thinking positive helps so much.
  15. To all my friends. These past few months have been a roller coaster of tests, procedures and doctor visits for Diane and myself and hopefully this week, we'll have some of the results. While we still have numerous follow up appointments and consultations, we're hoping the testing portion has been completed, just seems one test leads to more as doctors have unanswered questions. In all this time, I've tried to sit at the bench, relax and dive into a kit; all of which did nothing more then added to my modeling frustrations. I did manage to actually build an O scale, wooden model railroading structure kit, working nearly always in the wee hours of the morning as I had a very hard time sleeping. I found it next to impossible to even join all my friends here on the forum for whatever reasons I really didn't understand but for whatever those reasons, I remained AWOL. I decided time has come to try and sit again at the bench, work on a kit and see how things go. Feels so good to just be posting again, here with my friends and planning a simple project, maybe the new Kotare Spitfire MkVa. I feel the tingling of the mojo starting to flow.. Peter
  16. Hi Guys Just wanted to let everyone know why I have been AWOL and most likely for a while longer. My wife Diane and myself are both in our mid and upper seventies, facing medical issues for some time and have been devoting most all of our time to dealing with them. So far, all the doctor appointments and procedures have been positive and we're starting to get a handle on how we are progressing, and the outlook is positive for both of us. At the same time, my twin brother, has had numerous health issues, foremost of which is fighting not to lose his eyesight; the disease and degree of sight loss cannot be reversed. Treatments which are eye injections hope to stabilize his retina disease. I'm a cancer survivor and has given us hope and energy.
  17. Rob Looking mighty good and inspiration comes sometimes from the strangest places. Great choice for the color and you will always remember the how and where on deciding what t interior color should be.
  18. John Holy smokes - you conquered the beast. Paint and cammo look awesome.
  19. Scott Fantastic news and always pulling for you. 🏆 Yup, most important item on our list: Keep the "chief" happy. Do what you can do, just don't overdo it.
  20. Carl Glad you're back to working of the Sheridan - some mighty nice progress.
  21. John You are taming the beast and looking good.
  22. Terrific news and so glad is making progress. Right with all the guys wishing and always thinking of him.
  23. John Nice work on the wings, fillet seams and getting the dihedral to look good. Not hard to believe you have the Old Revell FW 190 ready for the paint shop.
  24. John Right on the money.
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