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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Nope, it’s the same on both halves.
  2. Hehe, actually I don't cope as those many WIPs attest to.
  3. I’ll set up a shot to illustrate, but yeah. its not that big of a deal to me, but if you deepened the rivet and panel lines you prob could sand it out. If the plastic was thinner you might even be able to put a bulkhead in and force the plastic out a smidge to make the transition smoother.
  4. Hey Hellcat fans. Got some primer on the seat, it looks really good. I also took some time and sculpted a new grip, the kit one was yuk. Still needs some refinement but getting there.
  5. I’d build the supercharger assembly, it provides support. i found you had to a some strip to align it with the waist shutters.
  6. Hey Sluggo, will be watching. letting go of seam and ejector pin dressing is one of my problems too. Im trying some different approaches on my Hellcat build too. Good for you changing things up. Ryan
  7. Close enough Harv. Smokey and the Bandit II
  8. Someone please tell me who this is and what movie it’s from.
  9. Sir this is a family oriented forum. I’ll show myself to the door.
  10. Perfect, I’m ready! Heads up on the clear IP panel, it’s not what is seems, here in primer. Some of the dials have the needles and tick marks on the face of the lens
  11. Here is a shameful collection of my thread shelf queens. https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/52233-zoukei-mura-p-51d/ https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/76049-132-zm-ta-152-h-o/ https://forum.ww1aircraftmodels.com/index.php?topic=10344.0 https://forum.ww1aircraftmodels.com/index.php?topic=10141.0 https://forum.ww1aircraftmodels.com/index.php?topic=9862.0 https://forum.ww1aircraftmodels.com/index.php?topic=9834.0 and I’m sure there are others out there.. Ryan
  12. Thanks, but I’m nothing special..usually it’s mostly bluster with no real pay off. I’ll post some links.
  13. Martin is prepared for combat.
  14. I would also argue that it more looks like a depression in the plastic than a bulge, you can see hints of it in the shot above.
  15. Yes the bulge is there Hubert and I won't be taking drastic measure to fix it. The engine bank on the surface only seems like a few snips to bring the rear bank forward,...and then lengthen the exhaust tubes to match. Thanks for checking it out. Ryan
  16. I've actually slit or cut a wing to assist in the bend, really works well on a resin wing. Just fill the blemish after the warp is fixed.
  17. No big update really, I attached some gear bay parts and threw it on the jig for fun.
  18. No bolts Sir Desmond
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