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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I have done very little on this kit but but enough to start the thread. As mentioned elsewhere, I'm trying to bring back the spark of enjoying model building and for me it seems the answer is dumping weathering! Just build the kit for what it is...a plastic model. It doesn't fly, it doesn't burn oil, and it doesn't leak fluids. I know this is controversial so bear with me. No pre-shading, no black basing, no post shading....if it says paint is green, then I shall paint it green! The only concession I will make to weathering is to use lightened colors to enhance the scale effect of the unit. (basically adding 20-25% white or otherwise to avoid a complete toy like appearance.) Thanks for following along. Ryan
  2. KI-84, I'll start thread on it.
  3. Thanks everyone!
  4. Hi Peter, Nice of you to comment, recently I have found new joy in tossing weathering and especially washes. Instructions say paint it green, I paint it green and so on. I use Model Air paint so if I get out of the lines I can re color wash the borders with the original; airbrushed color. That's how I get the areas look so crisp, believe me my hands aren't that steady! Oh and plenty of masking.
  5. I like the flat instrument faces... The molded in dial faces are a bear to paint effectively.
  6. Wait a sec this is the home of serious modelers.....!
  7. I could have written my dog ate my password and my unfinished builds.
  8. Currently on a no wash/ no weathering kick...its been really satisfying.
  9. Hey folks, lost my password but then just found it....so im back. (for those who care) 😀 Now lets see, what new In-Progess thread can I start but not finish. Ryan
  10. The 1/35 AA US Oshkosh Tank Transport....big and heavy.
  11. Happy New Year.
  12. Been though many of them, none to serious for my location though, good luck.
  13. Brand new 1986 Samurai, thought is was a Land Rover, loved it.
  14. I've got the ring dooor bell device that routinely snitches on me.
  15. We call that a bench clearer in these here parts.
  16. You make it look easy Peter.
  17. Glad to hear its going well.
  18. If the oven cleaner did not burn your skin it's probably too weak. Been there.
  19. Ahh, I feel much better now.
  20. I have a question about this movie. When Zorg receives his call from the entity looking for the stones, what is that dark liquid coming from his forehead? Is that some sort of stigmata type nonsense?
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