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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. 109 usd on preorder
  2. Looks really smooth Carl, what paint is that?
  3. Good call Dennis. They spray on beautifully. I discovered that, if you need to do mottling with airbrush , the use of lacquer thinner is the way to go. Brush painting with them is decent, I am still looking for the right thinning ratio, but as of now I am repainting a 1/24 Hurricane and it does look pretty decent. The shades are also beautifully rendered . Which was a statement based on my own taste and my bias opinion. Your experience may vary
  4. The last serving USAF Mustang was also at West Virginia ANG.
  5. Neat idea, I also like the ANG liveries.
  6. One step ahead of, two steps back. The backing is glued in place to support the filler and future dzus fasteners.
  7. If it happens once, it’s a mistake. If it happens twice it’s a very flat learning curve. This should not take this long anyway. Three days of filling sanding and rescribing. Jeeez
  8. Got some paint from Ukraine and decals from Scott. Thank you.
  9. I would love to have your toys guys, but with my hearing loss ? probably just a waste of money
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