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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. That looks more like the solution... if you reduce the bulge, you will more or less align the rear end of the fuse with the opposite end near the cockpit ...at least it looks like it. Hubert
  2. It’s actually a bulge followed by a depression .... Having done this kind of mistake, it looks like some f#@%-up 3D design ... Hubert
  3. It’s notorious that the engine representation of this kit is somewhat .... strange. The design team at Trumpeter did not seem to have understood that a radial was long, not because of the space between cylinder banks, but because of the accessories on the back of it ... Other rabbit hole is actually a bulge rather than a hole, on he rear fuselage behind the canopy... But then your goal is to go easy without all these worries Hubert
  4. The move to Portugal was a resounding success as far as Patricia’s health is concerned ... And I cannot be more happy myself, thanks Take care. Hubert
  5. Hey Dale, a tablet is still less useful in the toilet than paper ... just sayin’ Hubert
  6. Certainly the best "what-if" I have ever seen. Love it ! Hubert
  7. The Claude, the Nate, the Tempest and the Yak-3 are among their best, without too much fussy fit like with the intakes of the P-80, T-33 or even the T-2 Buckeye Hubert
  8. I’d check the Reedoak range first ... Hubert
  9. Hmm. That does not sound good for a Mustang with wheels. Better change for a mustang with real horse-shoes Hubert
  10. Here is my only one (well, the only visible one, I mean, because started kits in their boxes don’t count, do they ?) It’s a 1/32 scratchbuilt Aichi Hansa, a Japanese licence-built Hansa W-29, with an Hispano engine. It was started in 2008, before WNW existed, years before WNW’s W-29 was launched and went OOP. The build was stalled when my cat pushed into an unscheduled first flight - with only very minor damage . And ... sorry for the cluttered bench .You can see my current mojo restorer ... an Entex 1/36 Palawan. It is in fact a kit of George Watson’s (of IBM fame) Palawan IV, designed by Sparkman and Stephens, and built by Rasmussen. And with only very minor improvements (like open skylights, to see the inside fittings - hang-on, that means I have to scratchbuild the interior ? ) Hubert
  11. I once started a detailed SS Mauretania, correcting and improving the ... Airfix 1/600 venerable kit ... When I fought and battled over the scratchbuilding of the main windlass/capstan on the f’csle, where the biggest part was about 1.5 mm in diameter, it suddenly dawned on me that there was no reason to inflict myself such insane teeny-weeny detailing ... So, now I do 1/32 aicrafts, where I can « relax » detailing cockpits with less-than-a-one-millimeter-diameter knobs and levers. But this is « meaningful » detailing ... But I have decided not to touch the small scales anymore. 1/350, 1/400, 1/600, 1/700 are banned in the ships scales, and 1/144, 1/72, 1/48 for aircrafts. It’s just 1/32 for aircrafts, and 1/200 for fighting ships (IF they are pre-dreadnoughts, so in IM plastic, there is just the Mikasa ... or cardboard models ) or bigger scale for sailing ships and minor vessels ... One has to protect one’s nerves and eyesight, hasn’t one ? Hubert, perfectly able to explain rationally his choices, without the slightest trace of BS
  12. With everyone else here : manufacturers release the same subject time and time again because they believe it’s going to make them money. And their working assumption os that it is better to have a slice of a gant pie than 100% of a small cookie ... This is called competition, just like you have more than one beer to choose from, to drink while you watch your favorite program among the dozens available ... And finally, let’s face it: if the future release of another FW-190 was announced from Tamiya rather than KH, everyone complaining would be dancing a happy dance, saying they are going to buy at least ten ... I am just happy that we have manufacturers like KH or Special Hobby, or resin manufacturers, that have released subjects I am more interested in. And I support them with my spendings. This, again, is what free market is all about. Judging by my kit expenditures over the last 10 years, Tamiya is a midget, Hasegawa is not on my chart at all : if they judge business success by my reaction alone, then they would actually say their investments have been wrong and they’d be out of business ... Whilst I am still waiting for a DC-3 in IM (or HPH to get their price down), I’ll contend myself with the forthcoming Saab 29, and even the Westland Whirlwind, in spite of my « no camo » personal rule (because Westland had the good idea to civilianise one for a few months at the end of WW II. Hubert
  13. Well deserved. An outstanding build, and an original scheme. What’s not to love ? Hubert
  14. Outstanding work ! I particularly like the gunsight detailing. Hubert
  15. I’ve heard that the red uniform is awesome with girls ... Hubert
  16. You’re going to be in the police afterwards ? Like a Monty on a horse (rather than a Mustang) ? Hubert
  17. Gotta say I spent 4 days in Las Vegas - in the Mirage - 22 years ago, in May 1997 (and managed not to play one cent, btw). That was enough of Las Vegas for me for about 4 lifetimes ... Hubert
  18. No problem, I can drink your share Hubert
  19. And where in 2020 ? (Not that it makes a big difference for me ... it’s not so much the driving, as the swimming across the pond that is an obstacle for me ) Hubert
  20. And that’s the new much awaited WnW Fokker Dr-1 Hubert
  21. Looks like it ... Some will argue that the lack of cowling is because it’s unbuildable Hubert ()
  22. She should be a showstopper in Chattanooga ! Very very very very well done Hubert
  23. Great for those who have been waiting for a WnW DR 1 since this company started to storm the 1/32 market... And great to see that WnW seem to be listening to customers’ demands, and reviewing their previous statements about certain releases that were supposed to never happen. Gives hopes for a future Spad or any type of French aircraft ... And finally, on a personal note, great to see my wallet is safe with this one Hubert
  24. B-58 over the Valkyrie, anytime ... Hubert
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