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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. You can say what you want, but this does not look like a TBD Hubert
  2. I am anything but a specialist of Swastika-bearing aircrafts, but the logic would have the whole panel opening, with an oval window in the middle ... Hunert
  3. Now, that is a very nasty one ... For a second, I just thought there was a CAD work done on the TBD I am not sure I will ever forgive you for this one Hubert, still hoping a TBD will come, one day
  4. No, I mean X22. Whether this product is the same, I have some doubts about it, but really don’t know, sorry. Hubert
  5. I think X22 is lacquer-type. Works great with Tamiya thinner or Mr Levelling Thinner. And the end result is OUT-STAN-DING ...l beats Future and any other gloss varnish hands down. Hubert
  6. 1/200 is a great scale for ships like batllewagons or liners ... Gotta love the presence of 3 to 6 feet ship model ! (And here again, Trumpeter seem to have understood if before any other manufacturer) Hubert
  7. The Eduard Lizzie is 1/48 ..., whereas the Revell/Matchbox is 1/32 ... Hubert
  8. Oldie but goldie. It started life as a Matchbox kit. So you get waht you should expect from an old Matchbox kit: some surface details on the heavy side, sometimes marginal fit, and a level of detailing that could be better given the scale, size, and glass-house. It can be made, with TLC, into a great rendition. But do not expect a Tamiyesque build. Hubert
  9. Let's start with a 1:1 F-14 Hubert
  10. Nope. An old faithful in this field ... 1/32 only for aircrafts. Not even considering this abomination of 1/35. And that makes a sizeable stash already Hubert
  11. You could always imagine a « face-to-face » set-up à la Rocky vs Drago (that was Rocky V, wasn’t it ?) poster ... Hubert PS : oops, sorry, quoted the wrong post
  12. The more you work with metal, the better you seem at it, Peter. Truly outstanding work Hubert
  13. Thanks, although I believe you missed a zero Hubert
  14. So guys, all these discussions about 1:1 replicas, and ships, got me thinking ... I intend to build a 1/5 (let’s be reasonable and think about mooring fees ) replica of the most beautiful liner ever built, The Normandie . Of course, internal fittings will have to be adapted to make it usable ... As I have : 1) a faint idea about ship-building linked to my ship-modelling experience 2) no idea about real ship building requirements (well, some in fact, but I am too important to deal with such trivia) 3) no competence in steel-welding 4) not the first cent for this project I am counting on you all to do the work and money-supply for me...So, please (see, I am being nice) donate everything you can. And when it is finished, and I have all the pretty girls running after me, I will be the Ruler of the World ! How is that for a project ? Hubert
  15. Not knowing any drummer in my vicinity, I'll stretch my arms halfway across the globe to give you a hug, Dale Hubert
  16. Hey, it just occurred to me that a new member here has his head so overblown and full of s#%&t that it could pass as The Moon in Ryan's 1:1 Moon-landing diorama Hubert
  17. Methink you should do a 1:1 F-14 instead Hubert
  18. Do we need further proof that we are dealing with a raving lunatic ? Hubert, just holding the trigger on a list of flowery and gross expletives
  19. Besides the fun we may have in this thread, the fact is that a new member comes here, with an ambitious - if not totally lunatic - project, and has an abrasive if not outright insulting tone in most of his posts .... This is not linked to the poor command of English of this member, who has demonstrated his/her english was good enough, but to an arrogant behaviour expressed by someone with the interpersonal skills of Komodo dragon ... Why do we tolerate this attitude ? I am personally fed up with this thread and the tone of the posts of the original poster. It’s high time we send this member and his project to where they belong ... Hubert
  20. If I ever get the courage to tackle my MiG-17, this is the one I’d like to do ... Hubert
  21. Nice one ... Now we need its Western counterpart, the SNCASE Vautour Hubert
  22. Good to hear ! Looking forward to see you converting this beast into a peaceful bomber ... Hubert
  23. Hi, you had the same post on LSP before it vanished, and then you post here, how strange ... If your intentions are real, you will get the same type of answers than on LSP: this is a vey ambitious (and not cheap) endeavour, and you need to make sure you get the grasp of what it means to build a full-size static replica of a modern jet. If you are aware of it, and have the drive for what is a very long-haul project, than fine. After all, a Chinese man built, on his own, a steel replica of an A-320... A word of advice however : you may not be a native english-speaking person. But, in a first post, asking for donations rather than eliciting help and advice is a « surprising » approach, especially when I remember reading on the - apparently deleted -post on LSP that you had no intention of spending one cent ... HTH Hubert
  24. It is definitely resin. I have read somewhere a price tag of GBP 180. Not cheap, but that is a lot of resin you get, and not unreasonable compared to a similar-sized IM jet. Plus Boris will make this price tag lower in USD or Euro soon. Kind of instant clearance rebate Hubert
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