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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. Ouch. Looks like it'll be a lot if "Out of Stock" for awhile from Eduard.
  2. Yes, as discussed over lunch. I'm gonna try real hard on the Thud to accomplish that.
  3. Build a Fokker, and you'll be hooked. Only rigging is flight controls.
  4. I'm beginning to think we have some weird modeling worm hole between our benches!! Mines being rigged right now.
  5. Awesome! Please post the build!
  6. Stupid statement, but I honestly had no idea Canada ever had a carrier. I also thought a Felixstowe had a bleed air line for awhile.....
  7. Yup! I had to use some "liquid sprue" on some seams and really wanted to let it dry well. Then I've slowly been sanding that smooth before I rescribe. I'm switching mine up to match the Thud now for my soon to be "Vietnam shelf". I've got a Thud, T-28, F-104, and Phantom as of now. I'll need to track down a F-100 next.
  8. Theres also one other thing on and off my bench...
  9. Join the club. That would make 4, You, Smitty, Ernie, and me. After that we can throw together some Phantoms for a fighter sweep ahead of our Thuds.
  10. It's a heck of a thing to see in person. I remember the first time I saw the closet doors open. I thought, man, this must be where they filmed the Indiana Jones warehouse scene....
  11. It has officially begun. Just cleaning some resin pour stubs right now.
  12. Never been to that one, although I've been in and out of Signature next door a 1000 times. How long is a recurrent for you whirlybird guys?
  13. Some things never change!
  14. Falcon 50/900 systems manual. Got requalification on them after a 4 year break. I look forward to finding a good book after I'm done with class.
  15. Dooley and Lucky. Two best friends anyone could ever ask for.
  16. Oh god that was too funny!!! If I ever get a model photographed again for a magazine I'm telling them I use a toothbrush to paint it!!!!
  17. I love some of the German philosophy of WW1. We're gonna camouflage the wings and paint the rest of the plane bright red and yellow.... The color profile of this aircraft said the pilot had it repainted constantly to confuse his opponents. So, a lot is speculation and different colors of different parts from different transition periods. I used the snapshot from a specific time for this scheme.
  18. Some clear coats, glue the wings on, then rig and she is all done. Wings are just dry fit here. Then it's all Thud time!
  19. Will do!! Thud Ridge it is.
  20. So I'm not supposed to paint with my Oral-B?? Guess that's why my builds suck and my breath stinks...
  21. I may let Smitty have the Thud light right now, I've got another one that's been itching me too, and I'll roll right into my thud after this other build. It is winter time after all and you need a good Zipper on your coat...
  22. It's funny, I decided to start the Thud because you never seem to see them built. Go figure!
  23. Yea, that one is a bit overdone for me.
  24. Mr Leveling Thinner is the biggest game changer for my building I've ever come across. I only pray we can keep getting it here in the US.
  25. I received two boxes at two different times and they are both the same. On top of that the quality is horrible. I cant describe how poorly cast they are along with about half of them being broken from the poor stubs with fins broken off, etc....
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