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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. Yes, I'm finding time at the bench to be very difficult to find right now. And even more so, time to airbrush. That's slowing me down more than anything since I cant just steal 15 minutes to remove a part/glue a part/put on decal, etc...
  2. Yes! I see these super clean finishes and wonder if guys are working in vacuum sealed rooms.
  3. She can use my wife's car!
  4. Shes been here 3 months now. Hence the complete lack of time for anything.
  5. Ok, what is your model building achilles heel? What is that one thing, no matter how hard you try, you just can't conquer? For me its jet intakes. I've tried everything, I've read everything, and watched videos of every technique and i just can't get them to look good. I end up using intake plugs. That's fine except I have so many neat in flight ideas I just cant complete. What is yours?
  6. Glacial pace but there is progress. Almost ready to paint the red on the fuselage. Just need actual time in the day to airbrush.
  7. Looking really good. I do enjoy the varying problems and solutions that come with the different generations of aircraft models. WW1 is certainly unique in its modeling requirements.
  8. To me the argument isnt, "is covid real or bad, etc..." The argument is the need to balance decisions based on the multitude of factors involved. Dr Dave's position makes sense. He's a doctor his goal is to save those lives that are in immediate danger. Same with Fauci, the goal being sabe as many lives as possible from covid. That's easy, just lockdown. No contact, no spread, problem solved. The larger issue is how those decisions have a ripple effect. Lockdowns are destroying the economy, and therefore people's ability to support themselves and their families. Its causing rampant mental health issues related to stress, loneliness, and anxiety. Its causing health issues in those already dealing with pre existing conditions because they cant get to their appointments to handle their medical needs. A failure to make decisions without considering ALL these variables and just locking down to save a few lives now will cost us so much more later. Live normal, with some increased safety measures. Find the most risk based population and work towards supporting them through this while the rest of the population keeps the world turning. This is merely the opinion of this dumb plastic mangler.
  9. This is too cool. I wish I had the drive to build the unique projects you do. I'm just happy to be in the same city do I can see them.
  10. I could die in my car on the way to dinner tonight. I could die flying on Sunday. I could die choking in my hotel room tomorrow. The end result of life is always death. Let me worry about what I consider acceptable levels of risk I'm willing to place upon myself and my family. Most people would think the aerobatics I used to fly was extremely dangerous, but I knew the risk and knew how to best mitigate them. If the worst happened I was ok with that because I chose my lifes course. Live your life how you choose (you not being directed at a specific person), and let me live mine. Personal freedom and accountability is the most important thing to me.
  11. I'm not lying, there is actually plastic on the bench! Way way way slower build pace than my old life but any progress makes me happy!
  12. Been a little busy lately, but I managed to pull two builds back out to start working with again. Got my Wingnut Albatross and Tamiya Mustang out. Hoping to maybe get in an airbrush session tomorrow. Been almost 5 months since I've touched plastic.
  13. Yup, the sprue shots say it all. That's the Wingnut molds.
  14. I know! There is a bit of engine work on the Mossie occurring, but I just have been having fun with the Albatross. And, I need to practice so new wood techniques for my Mosquito.....
  15. Thank you! Ernie has kept me in check on the T-28 and what's right. No mosquitoe pictures yet, just painted a few engine parts so far. I actually had a few flights lately (thank goodness) so I've been away from the bench.
  16. That's still a healthy trip to drive unfortunately. I love Omaha but I'm not sure I can make that work with work and family commitments. I'll evaluate when the time comes.
  17. Yea, I cancelled my hotel reservation a few weeks back. I won't be attending either and Vegas won't work for me. I'm frustrated that the one Nationals I could have gone to was screwed up by this fiasco. Maybe in another couple years it'll swing back this way.....
  18. That's good news Ernie as I grabbed one when Mark posted this. It's funny, this Wingnut fiasco has reignited my desire to build them. Happily working on an Albatross right now.
  19. I do like it a lot. I've wanted to "busy" up the look of my cockpits, but not stear away from the correct colors. I'll be trying this for sure.
  20. I'm quite pleasantly surprised by how well the kit finish looks. Is there any issues masking over it?
  21. Also, the join in the tail for the B/D or C parts doesnt fit great and creates a fictional panel line. I went ahead and threw some sprue filler over it to get rid of it and I'll reapply rivets later. Got a lot of larger areas drying and I'm frustrated with the flaps so I'll take a little break on this and work on my mosquito for a bit.
  22. The kit cowl flaps suck. The dont fit in anyway like the real ones and I just couldn't shake how they were sitting. I slept on it last night and came up with a solution this morning. I thinned the kit parts, laid a thin sheet of plasticard over the kit parts and sanded to shape. A little piece on the side to extend the sides up as well makes a much better looking piece. Next I'll work the right side in the same way then I'll see about the lower door.
  23. I just wasnt happy with the cowl flaps, so at this point might as well go all in. Pulled them off and I'll try and rework them.
  24. Wings are on. Fill, sand, and prime now in multiple areas over the fuselage.
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