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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Thus far I have wrecked 2 Revell Mk. II Spitfires. I plan on getting a hat trick.
  2. Wonderful. Sitting on my bench right this very minute is an Eduard 108 wing which I built over 20 years ago. I didn't complete it because once I could then walk and play drums again, I never completed it. Here it is. I'll show you. This very minute.
  3. Thanks Gaz. Much appreciated coming from a modeller as yourself! I can't recall the Tojo. At least how far I had done before retiring it. Very confusing.
  4. Hi mate. No, the kit has different fitting for port and starboard. Look at the the starboard stabilizer. See the nob? That is only on the starboard side. What I built was as it is until changed. Same story on the 1/48 Frank. Looking around my room after I'd finished for the day on the Frank, I had a look on top of this cupboard my family gave me when I was ill. (I've never used it as I keep my clothes in bags for touring. Well I found the Tony. I knew I had it, but what I didn't realised I had was..... Anyway. I fixed issues on the Tony such as re-scribing and cleaned up the Frank. But this morning..... ...... This morning I climbed up the cupboard and to my utter surprise I found this! I have a vague memory of the Tojo. I have another with a Big Ed set in my model cupboard. Does anyone remember the Tojo??? Oh well, I am off to play drums. Cheers guys.
  5. Thanks so much Gaz. Mate, check this out. My day began working on the kit. Then had to play drums for a few hours. Got home, kept working on the Frank. Then I spotted a Ki-61 on top of my cupboard. I began this build way back in the time I was at LSP, ruining everybody's day. When done with the Frank I stripped away the terrible paint job on the Tony. I just bought another after Christmas, so I have a whole new box of Tony spare parts. Here it is before I destroyed it. The undercart and prop' are complete. Now. There is a little re-scribing to be done. I think I can complete both. Just what I needed.
  6. It's like the filler eaten before a nice meal that fills one up, ruining the meal.
  7. I used it for the first time today. I found it so easy. I used a tiny spatula to fill a gap, used a dry cotton wool bud to push it in and wipe it clean. In this weather it dried in seconds and it was ready for paint. I will try the disolved putty in the manner above.
  8. It is beginning to look like a Frank.
  9. Nice to know. Thanks! Even the Mr Hobby page offers little help.
  10. It would be great if Tamiya upscales their new Mk I.
  11. I bought a 17 ml bottle of Vallejo plastic putty yesterday. I also bought mig One Shot black primer. I've not used mig products in the past. Hopefully I will like it. Thanks again for your input. It was very helpful.
  12. It is around 150. I can get a 20% discount. Mind you, I just got 19 models. How many can I really build???
  13. Thanks mate. I am flummoxed with Hasegawa's incorrect design of the tailplane across 2 scales. In a way I still trust Hasegawa. I wonder if I am wrong. Thanks Rob. Slightly more added.
  14. Hi guys. My hobby shop has the 1/32 110. Is this kit good? Thanks.
  15. I enjoy using a black base coat. For some reason I don't know, I have never pre-shaded.
  16. The light isn't great today, it being heavily overcast. There is a chance of rain. I hope it rains for weeks! The photo doesn't show the weathering very well.
  17. The morning has been spent correcting the tailplane (Thanks Hubert!) and weathering the auxiliary tanks. Also began painting and weathering the propellor. Recently I read several books a,bout the last battles over Japan. As a result I heavily weathered the tanks. The idea they have been sitting exposed to the elements and even perhaps been hit by grime let loose by explosions caused by USN fighter bombers and USAAF Mustangs.
  18. Really? Wow! Thanks Hubert!
  19. I have been building a Hasegawa Ki-84. The kit is made to have an angled horizontal stabilizers. I trusted Hasegawa and affixed both with cement. They are stuck fast. I no longer trust Hasegawa's kit. It seems they have been mistaken. I don't know how to correct this error of mine. Any help would be appreciated.
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