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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Really? That's disappointing. Thanks Hubert. I will hold onto my 70 odd dollars. After I complete my Frank, then daunless, I should look at building my Spitfire VIII. I have been reading a lot about Spit's and I read that apparently the VIII was more advanced than the IX, and the IX was rushed into service while kinks in the VIII were worked out. I didn't know this. Not that I would build it for this reason. I have lovely RAAF decals for the VIII. Thanks again Hubert.
  2. Thanks Harv! Not a great photo, but it shows the fit having sanded the walls.
  3. Thanks very much. I was unhappy with the fit of the mounting points for the cockpit. There were serious gaps where the pit sidewalls didn't mate to my satisfaction. So I removed them and I am sanding so as to get a better fit. I plan to add supports when the fore and aft walls are fitted snugly.
  4. I have that kit. It is awesome and weighs a tonne. Good on you. The postage will be high. I have 2 HB Sturmoviks. Who the hell needs 2 Sturmoviks? Plus a 1/48. Well done mate. Not a cheap kit.
  5. Is this a commission build? Are you a full time professional modeller? I am trying to get my head around it. Your skills are incredible. I can only look at so many photos before my head goes into contractions. All I can do is watch in awe. Then wander off in shock. You, Sir, have amazing skills. My most sincere respects. And a tip of my Akubra hat. You are an inspiration. Cheers!
  6. Hi guys. Another thread from dipstick here. This kit hasn't been in Oz for a while but it now is. I really want to build a Spitfire. I nearly completed the Tamiya Mk. XVI. It remains on my SOD. I have the 8 and 9 Tamiya birds. The HB Mk. V is in stock again.. So, thoughts?
  7. We model on the side of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle! Let chaos reign!
  8. Ernie, you know 1/32 scale human beings?????? Are they on some hidden Pacific atoll???? "Just the right amount of weathering." Humans are 2 chromerzones distant from chimpanzees. As such, we great apes are often silly. This particular one more often than not.
  9. Looking good, Carl. My bench is a busy mess following 2 days of modelling. I must tidy it tomorrow morning before I move on.
  10. Happy Saturnalia. Stay safe and happy modelling. In the true tradition of this happy day, remember to treat your slaves with respect when you take their place. Serve them well.
  11. True. Basically as far as I can tell, successive polies of every stripe have dropped the ball. George St in Sydney was a mess for years. Often I feel like moving to New Zealand. I cannot really comment with any degree of real knowledge. I have not seen a news cast or read a newspaper since 2014. My brain can't handle it. I am amazed I saw the ABC coverage. So I watch Netflix and documentaries on YouTube. I don't even know who the prime minister is. Some idiot just like all the other idiots before quite likely.
  12. ...it is as if I were attending a clinic/masterclass. I was just looking at the 1/24th Mossie build. Then there is the mustang being scratch built by, is it Peter at Airscale? (One of the nicest blokes ever. I got his Hellcat cockpit upgrade. Holy cow!) Since joining I have mainly worked on my own stuff and have not had a chance to really get into all the threads. Sometimes my mind gets blown within a few pages of a thread and I have to walk away and leave it for a future time. I am really quite amazed. Every thread I click. Kudos.
  13. I took these while I still had light. I hope to close up the fuselage tomorrow.
  14. Hi guys. The Hayate had a complex aerial. I am unsure how best to go about it and would appreciate your thoughts.
  15. Oh Ernie, stop. I've seen your fan club in Dolly magazine.
  16. Enjoy your Xmas mate.
  17. Says the modelling God! Some of us are merely mortals. When my students excell I say "There comes a moment when you're just showing off!"
  18. When does the course end Martin?
  19. Hi Harv. I sold my ZM kit because I wouldn't be able to see it through due to complexity. (Unsure my opinion is at all relevant?)
  20. Wow. Carl, way to come back after serious surgery. I admire you recovering so well. Your model is looking brilliant. I have that kit and i will use your build as a guide. I am so happy to see this. I think it is wonderful. Well done, Sir. Respect.
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