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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Is it just me, or does this thing remind you of the Batmobile? Think about it, same era TV shows.
  2. Another angle…sorry, great memories came flooding back when I saw this.
  3. This is in a friends bedroom….He restored it from ground up.
  4. We have a show here in the states called Pawn Stars. Family that owns a pawn shop in Las Vegas. Lots of cool facts, interesting things brought in. Latest version is the Pawn shop crew traveling to different cities and people bringing things in to sell, etc… Last episode they did in NC at some place that was either a community center with collectibles or staged to look that way. But behind one of the guys in the background was a mint condition 1972 50cc Honda Monkey exactly like I had when I was a snot nosed kid. Started thinking about that this morning that if I had one, I’d probably hang it up on the wall too. Pure nostalgia, but those things are wayyy too expensive now to have as wall art for me. And to valuable to let the grandkids on it!
  5. Speaking of nail shops, my paint rack is built for nail polish bottle holders. Again, not my idea. Just another tip I found on one of the modeling sites or YouTube. But they do come in two different depths. Amazon, of course!
  6. Saw a YouTube last week on Tamiya cement and their airbrush cleaner. Basically the same stuff. Guys are now refilling their cement bottles with airbrush cleaner at a fraction of the cost. Expect the airbrush cleaner to go up now! There was something like only 1% difference in one of the chemicals. If I remember, only two chemicals make it up. The YouTuber pulled the SDS on it. I’ll see if I can find the link. Here it is
  7. Well, I’m digging this one up before I forget about it. Just wanted to report back that since I’ve been following this new cleaning procedure my airbrush has been working flawlessly for me with the exception of one tiny lesson learned. I was doing my typical cleaning and the shoot a drop of clean lacquer thinner through it and I was getting bubbling in the cup like I was back feeding it with my finger. Closer inspection revealed that there was a buildup of paint on the body of the airbrush in the tapered hole up front where the brass nozzle sits. It would not seat into the taper. Quick dab of lacquer thinner on a pipe cleaner fixed it. Clean up time has been cut in half now that I have this technique down pat and no more slow build up of crud due to pulling the needle out the back. I still need to get some of the micro cleaning brushes though. I do know I have some paint build up behind the cup where the needle goes through. I still have not pulled the ultrasonic cleaner out of storage.
  8. I just dab it on and let it fill the gaps. Too thin and it will run right through. Too thick and you have to push it around. The beauty about making it is you can taylor the viscosity to your liking. If you go thick, might not hurt to hit the area with Tamiya cement first to pre soften the area. But probably a wast of time and glue.
  9. Damn Gaz, sounds nasty 🤮 Good luck getting over this mess. On a happy note, I got word from my doc today to resume juicing but at a lower dose. Goodby feeling like a potted plant again!
  10. Started on the sail this morning. Got the lights installed and main parts glued up.
  11. I’ve got a little sneaky plan I’m not revealing until I finish. But let’s just say your memories will be in overdrive when it’s revealed!
  12. Bummer! I was just thinking yesterday about my strange luck with health issues in the past year. Wife came home with covid last Feb. I sat next to her, slept next to her, rode with her in the car to get her tested. Nothing on my end. Been around family members with covid. Nothing on my end. Was getting tested monthly at work until I retired on April 15th. October rolls around and I was feeling pretty good after being on TRT. (Testosterone Replacement Therapy, injections, shooting’ up, taking the juice, ‘roid shots…) Got stupid and carried a garden sprayer around on my shoulder for a total of 3.5 miles of walking on October 25th. Back problems started up. Nothing severe, yet. That week, go in for my physical. Hemoglobin levels were high. Doc tells me to lay off TRT. Man, that’s like taking candy from a baby! That stuff made me feel 10-15 years younger. Back is slowly getting worse, not smart enough to tell myself to stop. Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I really messed it up when I climbed into my F-250 and drove to the dump. Something was rubbing a nerve badly. Potholes and bumps did me in. Got back home and it took me 40 min to get from my truck to the bed. Loaded up on muscle relaxers and pain killers. Next 48 hours was hell. Two weeks later, all good again. Last Thursday I was out doing yard work. Cutting out and hauling off undergrowth around trees in the yard. Nothing heavy. Actually a good workout afterwards. I could feel it in my shoulders and upper back. That night I decided to try out one of the delta 8 gummies my daughter gave me for Christmas. I had tried them once before and it really relaxes your muscles while you sleep. Will apparently I was too relaxed. Slept very sound with my left leg in a bad position and hyperextended my knee. I’ve been limping and hardly able to walk since. Slowly getting better. Went in yesterday for my follow up blood test. Hemoglobin is back down in a normal range. Waiting to see if my doc clears me to start injections again. Maybe at a lower dose and I’ll go donate blood on a regular basis as well. Growing old sucks and it’s not for the weak! Now off to hobbling downstairs to my bench to get back to work on the Seaview. Funny thing is, none of this crap happens to me while I’m building models. I should stick to building models.
  13. Bummer with the decals. Try Microscale Liquid Decal Film?
  14. Huge is an understatement. I know where I want to put it when I’m done, but I think it’s going to cost me. I’ve got to move a neon light and do some wiring for it in the ceiling, which has been on my “to-do” list anyway. I’m adding ceiling outlets and spots for my display cases.
  15. That was the movie. At some time this kit was put out in the movie version I think. Movie sub also lacked the two bulges seen at the top behind the windows and did not have the Flying Sub or the bottom doors for its “garage”.
  16. Since I’m always getting accused of having such a tidy bench in all my pics, I’m posting this pic. But I always tell everyone that all my pics are post build after clean up. Here’s proof! I have 3 sets of instructions here. The kit, photo etch, and lighting kit. And of course all the parts except the kit sprues put away. Oh, and the paint booth…. Yes. I’m a slob.
  17. Model gives you the option of two different front windshields. One is modeled after the 12’ filming prop that was used for above water shots that had a smooth edge around the glass. All underwater shots were done with an 8 1/2’ prop that had window edging. I choose this one since I’m building an underwater diorama. But this is the final sanding after gluing in and using my sprue goo to fill the gaps
  18. Here’s the front of the Seaview after filling and sanding. You can see the gap that was filled.
  19. Let me preface this with NOT MY IDEA! But I saw this on a YouTube video build sometime back. My bottle of Tamiya thin cement was getting low and cloudy so I figured “why not”? Started shaving down some sprues, nipping off small pieces and started dumping them in the cement. Let soak overnight and shake up next day. Had to add a bit more plastic since it was still too thin. But wow! This stuff is amazing to have around for filling in gaps. I just attached the window section of my Seaview sub on the front of it. Bottom gap was pretty wide and nasty. Filled in with the sprue goo, let it sit a few hours to dry and sanded it down. Gap was so big I had to apply two more layers and I’m sure I’ll need more. But I can almost guarantee if I filled this gap with putty, it would have shrank over time revealing the glue seam under the paint. Get it shallow enough, finish off with Tamiya putty. Why not use CA and kicker you say? Because it gets brittle and once it hardens all the way, it sands harder than plastic. Using goo, you can come back another day or another week and the seam will sand down just like the plastic around it. if you haven’t tried it yet, give it a shot. It’s almost free! You just have to sacrifice about 1/3 of a bottle of Tamiya extra thin cement.
  20. Ok, I bought the quart of pre-thinned clear lacquer the other day along with some glass bottles like MRP use to come in. Also went with Mr. Color flattening agent that will be here tomorrow. Once I get to a good stopping point on the Seaview build I’ll do some experiments using the clear over dried model lacquers, wet lacquers and mixing up matt and semi-gloss clears using the Mr. Color flattening agent vs. plain old talcum powder.
  21. OK, my mind is blown over this.
  22. Also have the Connie parts, well, most of them. Cannot believe what the radomes and nose correction is selling for on eBay.
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