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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Peter, looking at radar, you’re in for a good one! Stay safe and good luck.
  2. I think the very bottom tip of that same front is about to make things spicy here in a couple of hours. Looks like we won’t be getting much, but with all the pollen smog we’ve had the past 4-5 days, we need the rain. I like those wheels on your truck. I need a set like that for my ‘90 F-250. I have the old hubcaps and steel wheels. Hubcaps are all broken and wheels look like crap and need painting.
  3. Way to go! I love seeing these built. But I’m not the type for patients for all that rigging. I’d lose my ever loving mind.
  4. WooHoo! I still haven’t decided if I’m going to get one or not. I guess reviews and my building mood will have to come together on that decision. I just have so many “I want to build’s” already in the stash.
  5. Ahhhhh…. I’m in a better place now. Same old gun with an upgraded toggle type switch. She’ll be here next week via Amazon.
  6. Last night it died. Been with me at least 35 years. For the past 3-4 years the trigger was acting up, but last night she finally said goodbye. It was my old Monokote heat gun I bought when I got into flying RC. For the past 24 years it was only used to help accelerate paint drying. Cord simply broke in half. If the switch wasn’t so wonky, I’d put a new cord in it. I think it’s time to say “Goodnight Irene”. We had a good run. Not sure if I should replace her with a sexy new hair dryer or another old Monokote heat gun. Standard heat gun is out of the question. Not enough airflow and gets too hot. Already have one of those.
  7. I’ll just add that mine was bought for me 30 years ago when I started my job I just retired from. They were going through and tossing things out no longer used due to no longer doing bench tech work. I tossed it for them. 😇
  8. Hey Peter, this might be of some interest for you. My old circular magnifier that had one of the round florescent lights died about the time I got my bench set up. Amazon has an LED replacement “bulb” that works fantastically. It’s also a 6k lamp. Amazon link But if you run across one of the old work lamps, it’s worth the effort to upgrade it. You can see it here in my pic I took when I finished the new bench. As you can see, I built the bench to hold this specific lamp I had, so I had some motivation to keep it working!
  9. So the old F-250 has been acting up since it came back from the transmission shop. It actually started before then, just not quite as bad as it got two weeks ago. Every time I tried accelerating up a hill, it would just fall flat on its face. More throttle I gave it, the slower it would go. I started thinking fuel filter. Nope. Probably that rattling old catalytic converter that sounds like it’s full of marbles every time I hit a bump. Ordered a manifold flange off evilbay for $40 and my local muffler shop set me up with a piece of 2.5” pipe expanded to 3” Few hours out in the driveway with some impacts, sawzall and a few choice words, it now runs like a scalded dog! Man, I love living in a no inspection state.
  10. I usually start with a 1 part paint to 3 parts thinner and do a test spray. Really depends on what your airbrush likes. If you’re a little heavy on thinner, just be careful not to pile it on. It will evaporate anyway. Little too thick and you’ll have scale undercoating! Yea, I’ve been reading about New Orleans post covid. Not a place I want to visit anytime soon again. Been twice, was ok. But I’m not a night person, so when all the fun starts I’m usually in my hotel room.
  11. Oh, and want to hear something really hilarious? It just dawned on me the other day that my Otter Box phone case is Sky and Dark Gray.
  12. I wish I had a local hobby shop. I think the closest is about 120 miles from here.
  13. Wow Harv. Just wow. 44 years and no more. Could not imagine. We’ll be 35 years this October. But the important question is, who got the Daisy Red Rider??
  14. Yea, I thought about the underwater resin tank thing. Problem is, I don’t own a forklift to move it. just going to build up an ocean floor scene with some rocks scattered about and I’m using air dry clay to form the shape.
  15. Thanks guys. Now the “fun” begins. I’ve never done a diorama before. I’ve watched a few YouTube videos on how to do the techniques, but I’ve got a lot more research to do though.
  16. Great minds think alike! it’s on a furniture dolly!
  17. I should have advised y’all to buy stock in Tamiya tape.
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