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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Ernie, if site mods can play, I’m in. Here’s what I plan on doing. For winners in the CONUS, I’ve got the fruitcake gift. It’s the gift that keeps on giving…. Its a 1/32 ZM P-51 unopened I got in a Christmas raffle years ago on LSP. I’m sure I’ll never get around to building it. For lands across the ponds, or our northern friends where shipping the tiniest of a box is outrageous (seriously, wanted to ship G-Factor landing gear to Canada and it was $35 for a padded envelope) I’ll do a $50 gift certificate to the persons hobby retailer of their choice. Sound fair?
  2. Man, I started this kit right when Revell came out with it. According to the box, that was 2008. It’s been neglected long enough. You think the kit is bad enough being this tiny? You should see my crappy work I did back then that I’m having to fix now. But between large scale builds I spend a little time on it. One day I’ll cross that finish line.
  3. 1/144 C-17 on the SOD. Putting in some time until the group build starts. Easiest way to paint these tiny wheels and tires white/black? I have 14 to paint. 🤪 ok, my brain was turned off. Took me all of 5 seconds after I posted to remember I have a cheap set of hole punches and the wheel on this 1/144 kit is exactly 1/8” in diameter. Doubled up tape, tapped it with a hammer and peeled off the top “mask”. When I did it directly on the wood it wouldn’t stick to the plastic. I guess either the tape picked up wood fibers or the wood stole the sticky.
  4. Interesting. Everything I’ve ever had go through customs went through Long Island NY customs. Had things sit there up to two weeks.
  5. Snap, Crackle and Pop take the hill? Or maybe they’ll be boarding a plane for a mission?
  6. I have one ready for paint (partially painted actually) on my SOD. 🙁 Started building as the first Marine 1.
  7. Uhoh…sounds like you guys are about to kick off a mini-group build. 🤣
  8. Got in my Sprue order the other day. They had an MRP restock so I ordered the blues I needed for my KAI Panther Phantom and enough Have Glass and gray for my two F-35 kits. Mr. Color blacks were just because. Also got another 400ml of leveling thinner.
  9. Do it! At this point, I say toss a kit in a bathtub full of water (minus decals and instructions, of course) and call it a wet build. The more the merrier.
  10. Sounds great Ernie! I’ve got jury duty starting tomorrow and fly out to Denver to see our son on the 8th for 4 days. And I’m sure I’ll have a long list the wife will hand me to get ready for Christmas when we get home.
  11. Seriously considering it. Maybe on top of one of the wife’s yoga mats and a rug though. And it doesn’t help I’m almost pear shaped, wider at the bottom.
  12. Feeling better today. Actually just went downstairs and cut up a metal bed frame for the son in law. Had my son doing the heavy pulling and twisting. Seems that my bed may be aggravating the situation. Went to bed Wednesday night and woke up yesterday hurting pretty bad. Loaded up on meds and things calmed down. Last night I tried the bed again. Got up at 1:30 and came back to the recliner for the night. I think my wife put a curse on my side of the bed so I’d leave the room to get rid of my snoring.
  13. Yea, restomod seems to be the norm now. Starting to wonder if the trend will reverse one day. I like a few modern upgrades, but the huge wheels and rubber band tires just look stupid on vintage cars. First glance at my ‘66 Mustang, one would think it’s mostly stock. But I did upgrade to 15” wheels to cover the modern disc brakes, it has a MII front suspension with power rack, 4 link rear with coil overs all around. All chrome retained, classic paint style and colors. Motor is a 5.0 Windsor with a Fox body serpentine drive system and aftermarket AC. My son is into the LS/LT swap everything, big oversized wheels, black out all the chrome, etc… Thankfully he’s doing this to Corvettes only.
  14. Is toss it in and forget about it for a few hours. Gotta be warmed up all the way to the core.
  15. Oh man. Never thought about getting a leak like that. Must be murder knowing things got worse when you were trying to improve things. I tried two injections. First one I was back up and going the next day. Felt great, but it was short lived. Doc gave me hell because I was supposed to stay in bed next day then two to three days of laying around watching TV. No one ever told me this. Tried that approach on second injection. Lasted a little longer, but reading about risks of brittle bones, etc. decided the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.
  16. Thanks Paul. Last night I tried sleeping in my bed. Woke up at 4:30 for a bathroom run. Bad decision. Should have slept in the recliner again. Pains are bad again the morning, but not like after the truck ride. I think I need a new mattress too. Im supposed to be on jury duty starting Monday. I hope I can make it.
  17. A little background. I’m no stranger to back problems. This coming Monday back in 1999 I went under the knife for a double laminectomy of L2-3 and L4-5. Life was great up until 6 or 7 years ago. Started noticing weakness in my legs, losing muscle control randomly for a split second when I would almost drop to the ground. Work would never allow me on a ladder again. in for an MRI and off to the spinal clinic. Spinal stenosis. No cure, no fix other than a complete lower fusion. Doc said that would be the beginning of the end for my mobility and suggested injections. They helped, but just for a month or two. I just take it easy and try not to do stupid stuff. stupid stuff happens when I’m feeling fine for a while and get complacent with things. October 25th I walked my back yard back and fourth spraying pre-emergent for a total of 3.75 miles with the sprayer hanging on my right shoulder. Since then I’ve had a nagging low level throbbing pain in my right side. Started feeling good yesterday morning and figured I’d contort my fat body into position to trim my toenails. Yea, I was feeling it. Took some Motrin and Tylenol. Even hurt to sit at my building table. Later yesterday around 2:30 I decided to jump up in the F-250 and make a run through the neighborhood just over 5 miles to the dump site. Sat in the truck and pain was pretty bad. If I had listened to my body I would have gotten out right there with a big NOPE! Hurt all the way there, only managed to throw out main garbage, couldn’t do recycling or bulk items. Almost passed out from the pain. Had to hold the dumpster and pain was excruciating. What kills me, there was an older guy there watching me and didn’t even offer to help me. Ride home was murder. Pulled in the driveway at 3. Had the wife go in and get me pain killers and muscle relaxers and stood by the truck for 20 min waiting on them to kick in. Never really did. Took me 40 min to make it to my bed. That was just walking 30’ from the truck to the stairs. Stairs were not that bad. Once in the bed, spasms were bad, really bad. Everything tightened up where I could only exhale by screaming in pain if I moved. Wife took off to go do planned event with the daughter and grands. She left me my phone and a walking stick I made. Somewhere along the line I dropped my phone on the floor so no one could reach me. I laid it bed hoping things would ease up. Around 9:30 I finally had to force myself up and to the bathroom. Pain was unbelievable. Got in there and doubled down on the narcotics I got for my bad tooth. Came out to my recliner where I’ve been sitting for over 24 hours now. Pain has finally let up to a point. I’m moving very cautious. Gotta get things healed up since I have jury duty come Monday. Following week we fly out to Denver to see our son. I’ve had some really bad back pains in the past. Nothing this severe though. After the Denver trip I’m planning on an MRI or something. back pains are real! Still eating muscle relaxers.
  18. According to her it’s 500+. When I boxed them all up for the move I was under 300, but bought a few since. Who knows?
  19. My old boss went on work trips 2X a year. He saved his winnings over 5 years and put half down on a $75,000 brand new Tahoe. The wife and I was walking through Caesars one afternoon with him and I stopped him and told him that machine (while pointing to a slot) was calling his name. I heard it. He walked up, dropped in a $100 bill and on his first roll hit a $1600 win. We ate good that night. Told him to call me when that lucky horse shoe falls out of his behind, because I want it.
  20. Her? Not so good. Me? I put in $6 and pulled out $76. But of course she took it.
  21. Wife’s idea of an afternoon of entertainment
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