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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Just spent the past few hours boxing up kits and building tools. In one box alone I have two 1/32 B-17’s and a Lancaster. Do the money math on that one box. As I’m going through the stash and putting my hands on kits I have decided one of my retirement projects is to sell off about 50% of the kits. There is no way I’ll ever get to all these or have the room for them all. Ex: 3 - 1/48 C130 kits. Ok, where the hell will those go built? Or for that matter, that $1000 box mentioned above. Seems my hobby is turning into a burden if I’m not careful. Probably going to start donating some of these things...the built ones that is. My Thunderbirds bomb burst display really takes up real estate. Might stop in the local ROTC class and see if they want them. We have decided to rent a 12X16 storage locker, but I was just discussing with the wife, what do I put in there? Don’t want model kits left in a non-climatized area, all my wood working tools will probably be needed as soon as we get in and start projects. Can’t put ammo or reloading supplies in storage, Guns sure as hell aren’t going. And I sure don’t want the new place to look like a storage facility too. Once we’re in we plan on getting a 12 X 16 “barn” with a lean to for lawn tractor, yard tools and general storage. I need to take a class on becoming a minimalist.
  2. Yea, the wife is giving me a hard time about not reducing enough. Of course she’s looking at the stash when she says that.
  3. Well we close on our new lake home this coming Friday. Up until today I have spent every waking hour doing all the minor repairs we’ve been putting off. Ever count how many cans of latex paint you have laying around from all the times walls have been painted? After 25 years, I think I counted about 30. Thankfully half were so old and lids rusted through so the paint has been long dried up. Simple enough to toss out. The others? Mixing with kitty litter then tossing. But back to the packing up....I managed to score about 20+ large and heavy duty boxes from video projectors at work. And so far about 13 bags of packing peanuts from U-Haul, I have managed to empty out my entire display case. A box will hold one built 1/32 Phantom with ease. Some boxes have three smaller planes in them. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can safely transport the oversized sliding glass doors on the case. Might even call the glass company I bought them from and see what they would charge to transport them 50 miles on their glass truck. Tomorrow I have to pack up the shelf of doom! And sadly I have decided to toss out a few I built when I got back into building models. Some were done very badly, others have fallen from the ceiling and lost a few parts. I know damned good and well if I take the time to pack them, they will be the last opened probably 5 years from now.
  4. Yep, same issue. My daughter is about 6 months pregnant and her Doc wanted her to get the J&J when it was available. She told him not under any circumstances would she be getting a vaccination while pregnant. She feels like she dodged a bullet.
  5. Good Gravy Hubert! Do you build kits, or make everything from Evergreen stock??? Quite the well stocked supply you have there! Now I have to think of how I can pack up my "shelf of doom" models along with my builts for safe transport.
  6. Jeff, that 12 X 12 work space sounds about right for my fold out table that is almost 6’ long. i love Huberts Lay-out, but the wife would classify that as clutter. Might do some cabinets with paint racks. I’m thinking like the builders hide everything in those tiny homes.
  7. OK, I'll admit it. I'm a real slob when it comes to my work areas. In my garage I have found it a bit easier to be organized and cleaner if I have the proper work bench, drawers, storage, etc. Ever since I got back into building models well over 20 years ago, my go-to bench was a simple fold out cafeteria type table. A few years back, I ramped up the game a little by building a riser where I could stack more crap, and more important, I put magnetic strips on the front to hold all of my metal tools. Files, Xacto knives, clamps, etc. For any new kit I just opened, I would place it on the table until the clutter took over or I added tools in the way. Then I resorted to another chair or to set the box in, or simply place it on the floor. Now that we are about to move, the wife has persuaded me to try and clean up my act a little. My workshop will be in the corner of an active entertainment area that I want to keep organized and easily capable of storing and closing up what I am working on. This will help keep the cat from playing while I'm away too. Seeing how another hobby of mine is woodworking, I can build a really nice bench to keep projects neat and orderly. I'm thinking of an actual "desk" with a couple of really large but not too deep drawers so each active model can be removed from the box and kept separate and not out in the open. Maybe a roll top desk system like the old antique desks of years past. I do have two sheets of stainless steel that are right at 2' X 5' that I could use as a building surface. Any spills, would clean up easy. My current paint and odds and ends are in an old 3 drawer roll around crash cart from the hospital. Basically a glorified tool box with better casters on the bottom. I would like to eliminate this as well, but not set on it. While all the bottles stacked out in the open is great for speed and ease of finding the color, I'm not running an assembly line. Of course with my stash as big as it is, I probably need to. If anyone here suffers from the anal retentive habit of clutter free living, please share!
  8. Yea, I guess I have to share modeling with boating and fishing now.
  9. Thanks Carl. Although this is the upstairs, I’ll have the same view. Looking at this pic, if you look below the screen porch, I’ll have a bench in front of the window under it. Shaded from direct sunlight, but a most excellent view!
  10. Wow, my simple center section and brake conversion exploded in my face.... i built the car with a 4 link rear that included a bracket that bolted to the top of the axle housing utilizing the top three bolts that hold in the center section. New center is much thicker than stock, bracket would not fit. So I had to build up welded in brackets on the housing. Here it is all back in the car. Lots of re-engineering brake lines, parking brake cables and suspension. But I have about an hours work or less to get it off the stands and back on the ground.
  11. Well, looks like all vacations and trips are off our schedule for a year or two since we just bought a new lake home. Told the wife that huge puddle behind the house is her vacation spot now for a few years until the dust settles on getting use to a new lifestyle and income redirected.
  12. After almost a year of discussions, watching the market in our area, looking at home, convincing the wife we don’t need a “weekend place” due to no time for maintaining two properties, paying tax on two places and we need to just pony up for a relocation place. Today we signed a contract on a lake home! This place has a huge finished basement with a wall of windows where I can set up my bench with a view and finally have a true ventilation system that exhaust the fumes out of a window now. I am having to downsize a few things though. I’m passing on to my son some of my automotive tools like my shop press and engine hoist that take up a lot of real estate. Also discussed with her about just leaving the 60 gallon air compressor and air lines with the hose reel setup as well. New place has a deep one car garage, or should I say, one boat garage. I’ll just get a small 30 gallon compressor since most of my tools are all battery powered now anyway. Probably going to wait until this fall for another big Ford auction with Mecum and have my son take the ‘66 GT Fastback to see what it can bring. The last one he went to in January cars built close to mine were bringing over 6 figures. Putting that on the mortgage will help get the wife across the retirement finish line quicker as well. Time to start packing up the stash, the tools and toys and get ready for the move! ...Oh, and in other news, our youngest daughter got engaged this weekend too! She’s shooting for a December wedding, in the mountains. I don’t think she has given much thought to the weather patterns in the mountains in December.
  13. Wife’s got hacked last week. I never use it, no big deal for me. But watching her in withdrawals is quite entertaining.
  14. I think that policy is just for Europe customers. I got a C-5 kit shipped to the states from them back in January. But thanks, I'll double check the current situation. Yep, just EU customers.
  15. Yep, but not too bad of a price. They are showing up on Hannants as well, but for some reason it won't let me add them on the reorder even though is says you can. Well, that was from my ipad. Let me try it from my PC right quick. Nope. Not even from my PC.
  16. I've got the Helldiver on pre-order through Hannants. $75 pounds/$103 USD. I'm afraid to see what the shipping on that big box is going to be.
  17. Harv, YOU CAN DO IT! We’re pulling for you buddy!
  18. This one is on my “Must build” list. Got the decals as soon as they were available.
  19. A very old pic. I get in the habit of wanting to build different variations of different aircraft. I guess it’s why I have about 7 F-16’s and 13 Phantoms still in the stash. Trying to convince myself I need to get rid of some of these multiples.
  20. Yawn....... Large scale for the win! So much potential left on the table with the old 1/32 Thunderbird molds still out there.
  21. Looking at the stash today, I think the Revell 1/48 B-1B kit takes the prize in my collection. Box is huge!
  22. Tallest would be either my 1/72 Gato sub or the 1/200 Arizona. Biggest?? Tough call. Hobby Boss B-24 or maybe the huge box the 1/48 B-29 comes in.
  23. Perfect timing to find this thread since I’m drunk posting with a full glass of Aberlour on the rocks.
  24. I’ll miss them. But as mentioned, lots of WTF are they thinking stuff going on in the past few years. Even Ray Charles could have seen this coming.
  25. ScottsGT

    F16 C

    Actually....Phantoms are my favorite. I have 13 or 14 in the stash. Mix of Tamiya and Revell. Built 3 Tamiyas already. I really need to find time to build.
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