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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. I finally understand the true meaning of “fiddly bits”
  2. What’s the old saying? What comes around, goes around? FF was big before the introduction of the escapement RC systems. Kind of odd someone would go through that much trouble and not drop in a low cost modern RC system. But I guess that’s half the fun is setting it up to flay a pattern and land in a certain area. I was just browsing through eBay at some of the old RC engines I had back in the day. I’d love to have them just to display, but not dropping that kind of money for a display piece.
  3. Well this just showed up and the wife got to watch me open it up. But no joy on my part watching her face turn red or blow a gasket. She knew it was on the way from our oldest son. Now that he’s a Captain his new command is going to be in charge over a Patriot missile group. Here’s the catch 22. It’s a bench clearing project so I can get it built for him before he retires in 10-12 years. 🤪 Im going to learn a lot about packing a built model for shipment.
  4. I’ve been sitting on the fence over the Gannet. There was a small production 1/32 announced a few years back, but never saw an update. Probably vaporware. But as soon as I buy the 1/48 kit….
  5. And yes, the Squadron book does have the stripe angled wrong in their artwork. Interesting. I’ll probably go ahead and just use the decals as they are. I’m not out to win any accuracy awards. Just build a model!
  6. Martin, interesting pic. Taken a second before that the one in my book. Pilot on the right just tossed the football in this pic. But this…
  7. Outstanding! Can’t wait to start mine.
  8. And I just noticed the white fuselage band is leaning in the wrong direction too.
  9. Wow…I thought Barracuda was on their game when they designed decals. I dug out my old Squadron/Signal book on the P-40 to do some referencing. The Aleutian Tigers had a Star without the blue surround. I also noticed one of the planes had diamond tread tires. Im off to look for correct decals now. I might just have to live with the kit tires though. Take note that the eyes are also different. I’m trying not to let my OCD take over and start calling this “unbuildable” and throw it on the SOD.
  10. Pulled the trigger on this one last month when Fantastic Plastic put it up on a flash sale. I’ve been watching it on eBay priced just under $100 for a long time. But with a sale price of $65 I was willing to take the beating. Besides, it’s just a resin accessory for the Enterprise kit I have. 😇 But as my luck sometimes goes, it was sitting in the mailbox since Saturday and I just checked tracking this morning. Was scheduled for delivery tomorrow. And momma had just gone out of town for the day.
  11. 28 years. Labor of love! I’ve spent 25 years on a Mustang, full scale 1966 GT fastback though, not the flying type. 🤡
  12. Carl, that 190 is fantastic! Without going back and reading the entire thread, which kit is that?
  13. I still love this awesome tool!
  14. I posted a pic on another forum of my wife trimming the hedges. Someone commented I should be hung for making her do the yard work. I replied “Why do you think she’s doing it?”
  15. Inside my box is very well organized. It’s just any flat horizontal surface that faces the wrath of a slob. I call them HSC’s. Horizontal Sh** Collectors.
  16. Now I will admit, my garage work benches and the top of my tool chest looks like Carl’s bench. Mostly because they’re just used for storage because I never found a “place” for the junk in the new home when we moved in 3.5 years ago.
  17. Oh man, I need therapy after that pic.
  18. Off to the medicine cabinet…..
  19. This one’s going to be an E using the Barracuda Decals Aleutian Tigers.
  20. Well, I cannot believe what I did. I started cleaning things up for the Quinta details and just discovered that I ordered the set for the Trumpeter kit. D’OH!! Another set ordered…..Off to work on other areas of the kit. …..I’m such a big dummy.
  21. Just got a call from the hospital about my lumbar injection I was supposed to get Monday. Due to staffing issues they have bumped me to Dec 2nd. Well that settles it for me. I was going to wait until late next week to get started, but the heck with it. Time to get back on the bench on this rainy fall day. It’s been a while. I need a fix!
  22. Actually, no. I didn’t. But now that you pointed it out
  23. Carl, I don’t know how you do it. Work from that “bench” that is. 🤣🤣 My OCD would have me taking meds if I tried working in that clutter. You are truly a master of focusing on your work.
  24. Nice! I’ve got one sitting in the stash with a lot of AM I’m wanting to get to. Watching with much interest. A tip I picked up on the gauge faces is to use UV activated glue. Epoxy works too, but sometimes yellows over time. My wife just bought some casting resin to make some Christmas ornaments. I might commandeer a couple ounces for my bench. 😁
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