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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Everything still feels about the same. Sitting out on our dock yesterday afternoon and my friend visiting splashed ice water on my foot/ankle area. “Oh yea, that’s good and cold. That’ll make you jump!” nope. Cannot feel the cold. I can feel the water hitting, but not the chill. At that point I think my wife started understanding just how bad off I am. Especially when she asked me what I was going to carry up as I was standing up and almost face planted back down. “Oh, I guess nothing then.” was her response to her own question. She jumped my behind and told me to get the ball rolling with our GP and a Neuro guy she works with. Today the fill in chiropractor looked at my 4 yo MRI and admitted there was nothing she could help me with in this situation. She feels I’m looking at a total lower fusion just to stop anymore progressive nerve damage. And of course my wife has us booked on two more cruises until November. This is going to get dragged out longer than I hoped.
  2. I’ll keep that in mind. Might sound sketchy on his end though. I’ll take some time to start an account tomorrow.
  3. FWIW, just tried to join Britmodeler and they have a stupid security feature on the sign up page that’s not iPad friendly. I’ll have to go fire up the old MAC with a mouse to make it happen.
  4. Accessories, supplies and aftermarket, GTG! But I’m at 6 new kits smuggled in under the radar so far this year. Not trying to push my luck, but Amazon has a kit I’m looking at and with their shipping times I can get that one in under the radar as well while she’s working a 13 hr shift. Unless she digs through the account and finds where I ordered it, but I can archive it out of sight. 🤪
  5. Many weapons sprues from builds, box full of Tomcat parts, box full of Phantom parts, box full of F-16 parts. Yea, small stash all in its own. I see a modeler needing something posted, I dig through the boxes and see what help I can provide.
  6. I will say, a setback like I’m going through right now really brings things into perspective. We still enjoy going on cruise ships and that’s not the issue. It’s getting on the ship. Every port I’ve been to has a mile of walking to get on board. Might have to start looking into finding that handicapped drop off location. And then there’s the shore excursions. Right now, that’s just not possible. I do not want to be dealing with one of the handicap scooters either. There is just no room for them in a ships cabin. Just getting down my dock and onto the boat is a major task for me right now. I consider this the shot across the bow and I’m going to start putting up hand rails and boarding bridges very soon.
  7. Sell off the stash? There’s a cool million right there! I kid! But I get what you’re saying. We’ve planned carefully and the wife’s job pays stupid money. She’s a CRNA. (Nurse Anesthetist) I’m eligible to draw my SS after December but our financial planner is checking with our tax guy (his dad) to run the numbers. He’s thinking it will get eaten up with the tax bracket we’re in. Just leave it and let the numbers grow until she retires.
  8. So far about the only thing I can find is joining up on the Brit Modeler forum and sending them a PM about ordering some 1/48 C-130A stuff I’m looking at.
  9. Oh wow! I have a passion for the pre war yellow wing aircraft. I really need to build another since the only one I ever built was when I got back into the hobby.
  10. Now I just need to find the unobtanium elusive K model. Or the tail parts…wink, wink,…nod, nod Carl.
  11. Actually the opposite. Retire sooner! Enjoy retired life before the health issues kick in. It’s the main reason my wife gave me the green light at 59. She had coworkers with husbands that were dropping out of life early. My pension was set and health care covered for both of us until Medicare kicks in.
  12. Just an update….while my legs are still very weak, I am finding myself walking more without the cane, up and around for longer periods of time. I still use the cane assist at night for my bathroom trips and navigating the stairs around the home. The hypersensitivity in my lower extremities is still nonexistent. Jabbed myself with an injection this morning and didn’t feel a thing. Yesterday I did climb up on my ZTR mower and took care of the yard, of course no weed whacking was done. Thankfully I installed a spring suspension seat last year that takes any hard shocks from bumping around out of the ride. And I can kind of lean back a little it in as well. I just took care of the kitchen after the wife destroyed it making breakfast for everyone (no empty nesters this weekend, full house) and now I’m chilling with ice packs on my back. It’s good to feel some slow progress!
  13. Okay, I’ve got to eat my words in this post. I saw a video of it the other day where they have it flying now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFyq85TliUA
  14. Oh man, sorry to hear this. I will say, sounds like you’re still better off than a complete prostate removal even with your setback. Just like I’m doing right now, take it easy! My wife is always saying us men have it good because we weren’t borne with a uterus. I remind her she had hers removed 20 years ago and is living the good life. Guys on the other hand have a prostate and removing it is a last ditched effort. Not to mention the 3-7 bathroom trips a night and just the function changes due to age. I started watching urologist videos on YouTube about prostate care and I’m now taking anti-oxidant supplements and foods that do the same. It’s just one of those things you never think of until it hits you. I had an older coworker that was having to visit his urologist 3X a week for a digital massage of his prostate. Now talk about an uncomfortable work conversation….
  15. Thanks guys. Chiropractor called me after looking over my old X-rays. Said she wants to give it a shot at aligning things, but she’s also asking around in her circles about the best neurosurgeon in the area that can take care of this if moving things around done work. She said the majority of the issues look like they were brought on by bone spurs and arthritis more than stenosis.
  16. Sorry for the long post. I felt like I needed to get this out there. So last week the wife and I went to Asheville NC for one of her continuing education conferences. Got there Sunday evening. I had stabbing pains in my left knee, a little worse than normal. Wednesday morning I woke up, got out of bed and noticed I was having balance issues, much worse than my normal issue. Went on throughout the day. That evening my knees would just collapse if I wasn’t careful. By Thursday I was a hot mess. We went to a few thrift stores to shop around and I found a used walking cane for $3. Great! I can get around a little better with a cane. Got back to town, delt with the struggle until I could get in Tuesday to see a chiropractor. That being said, things were improving Monday evening it seemed. My regular guy is out due to an operation he had last month, so he’s got a well experienced lady filling in for him. She’s really concerned with my situation and even asked for my latest MRI from 3.5 years ago. She gave me an adjustment yesterday and sent me home to relax on ice packs. What did I do? Sat at my bench all afternoon assembling the AIM 1’s for the Cutlass. Today, woke up feeling a little worse. Went back for the follow up, got yelled at for sitting at my bench. Yep. We’re at DEFCON 1. It’s worse now. Under no circumstances am I to sit at my hobby bench. She wants me reclined back with ice packs every 30 min. I remember the good old days when I was out of school from being sick and how mom would stop at the base toy land so I could grab a model to keep me busy. Can’t even do that now! The good news is that the left knee pain is getting better. And thankfully I have no pain associated with this situation. Just loss of communication between my brain and my leg muscles. For some reason, the powers that be just do not want me to complete this Fisher Cutlass.
  17. Cool. We just refer to them as walk in closets here. Nothing to distinguish differences in sizes. Y’all’s system actually makes more sense.
  18. What is a Walk In Robe? Like a dressing room? Walk in closet big enough to get dressed in? Not familiar with that terminology in the states.
  19. They should donate it to the Smithsonian or the AF Museum. I applaud their efforts, but they’re out gunned by the elements alone. Beautiful and graceful airplane. I do have the three different 1/72 kits put out.
  20. Good looking security team you’ve got there! I also dabble in some minor wood working. Not nearly as much in the new home due to the smaller garage now.
  21. If it’s in flight, should the wings be drooping?
  22. Rob, so sorry to hear about your dog. It’s always hard to say good by to a friend and family member like that. It took us 3 years to finally bring another back into our home. Your build is amazing. I swear you could PS the image into a garage setting and it would look like you’re building the real thing.
  23. P320 eh? Adds new meaning to “You’ll shoot yer eye out son!” I’ve see too many videos and read articles of them going off by themselves. I use to be an Sig fanboy and my first handgun was a 229 in .40. Always wanted an older 220. Dad had a 1st gen Peacemaker. Calvary model with the longer barrel. My brother has it now, but supposed to go to his son eventually. Dad wanted him to have it because he’s named after him. Speaking of Uberti, I have their 1866 yellow boy carbine with the octagonal barrel. It’s also .45 Colt to go with my Ruger Peacemaker copy. It’s stainless. Jumping from an auto feeder to an old school revolver with a loading gate will make you think twice about the “spray and pray” technique of shooting. Growing up watching cowboy movies and seeing how everyone was a skilled marksman make a little more sense now. But Uberti builds a damned fine gun! My 1911 count is up to 7 at this time. 2 are all original WWII A1’s. Got one from an old friend I use to fly RC airplanes with. He carried it while he was in the Army. The other came from an old coworker. His dad was an MP in post WWII Germany and he remembered the day his dad brought the 1911 home. Said he unboxed it, took it out of the Kraft paper, loaded one mag up and test fired all 7 in his back yard then boxed it back up and shipped out the next morning to Germany. Said he thinks that the only time his dad ever shot it. He gave it some range time himself then oiled it up and put it in his sock drawer. Unfortunately he used WD40. When I got it, it was glued shut by the WD40. That was the second gun I’ve had to unglue from people using that crap on a gun. Thankfully it cleans off easy with Break Free or automotive brake cleaners. Oh, I also have a “baby” 1911. A stainless .380 govt. model.
  24. You know how many years it took me to warm up to the idea? Yea, a lot. I’m mostly a 1911 guy. Still want a hi-Power though. I’d love an older deep blued model. And of course my grail 1911 is a Colt royal blue pre A1. Already have a set of ivories for it.
  25. It’s blame if it’s a discussion involving the wife. Always blame.
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