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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Iā€™m in. One year I did a gift card for anyone outside to CONUS and a kit from the stash for within. Iā€™ll probably go the gift card route this year as well.
  2. Congratulations!
  3. The same has been said about me with Phantoms and F-16ā€™s. 4 built F-4ā€™s with 11 or 12 in the stash 9 built F-16ā€™s and 6 or 7 in the stash.
  4. Oh, and you might want to see a neurosurgeon.
  5. Lawyer up!!!! Best friend is a WC attorney and the wife was doing life care plans for him years ago. WC insurance has their bottom line at heart, not your health. They will delay and deny care as much as they can get away with.
  6. Nice video! I built that kit years ago when I got back into models as well. Currently building the Hasegawa P-40E kit.
  7. Another happy update. I went in yesterday for a spinal steroid injection at L3/L4. Iā€™ve done this years ago at a different place. There they put in an IV, hit me with a very mild dose of the good stuff my wife pushes just to relax me. Not this place! We going in dry! šŸ˜± Crap, if I had known this I would have taken one of my muscle relaxers. Sweating profusely anticipating what was coming was almost worse than the injection. Local hurt like hell as they always do. Didnā€™t feel the 5ā€ needle going in. But when he loaded up the area with the meds it felt like I was exploding from the waist down to my ankles. Injections years ago was waist to mid thigh. Lasted about 10-15 seconds of intense all over spasm and extreme pain. They gave me an hour to shake it off and sent me home with my wife to drive. We assumed I was getting the good stuff because I needed a driver. Hell, that was like taking a DD to a bar and not drinking! But last night between 3 and 4am I started getting back hypersensitivity that has been gone since August when all this happened. Still getting some of the strange sensations related to the nerve damage and already feel stronger this am. Now I just gotta make sure I donā€™t over do things thinking Iā€™m Superman.
  8. Carl, you can gladly peel a few off those bottom two stacks up front and send them my way if you need to make some room for more kits. šŸ˜
  9. Yea. Just went there. Iā€™m in the middle of my Hasegawa P-40 build and enjoying the Hasegawa kit. Got me thinking of putting the P-47 kit I have into the rotation for next year. So I pull out my not so trusty inventory sheet to find which box itā€™s still packed away in. Waitā€¦Itā€™s not on the list. How can this be?!!? I know I wouldnā€™t have sold it, but just to be sure I dig through all of my messages on all my forums Iā€™m on. Nothing. I get a wild idea to pull up a pic of my stash from the old house I took about 5 years ago. Sure enough, there it is on the shelf right between the Wildcat, Hellcat and a P-40B kit. Pull out my list, Box 13 has those other kits listed but no P-47. Out to the garage and after shuffling around a few kits and another big box of kits (of course box 13 would be in the back) I retrieve it down off the shelf. Yep, there it is. Apparently someone was drinking when things were packed away and getting inventoried. Whew. Disaster avoided. Yea, disaster because Iā€™d have to go buy another and take a gamble of getting busted bringing another kit into the fold. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Yea, if it wasnā€™t in that moving box, there is no way I was going to pull down every box to search for it. I would have just bought another. Oh, and the Mandela effect kicked in too. I thought I had the Gabreski boxing. Nope. European Theatre with the Big Ass Bird which is one I wanted to build anyway. I really hate my inventory system because of crap like this. Iā€™d love to be able to ā€œdisplayā€ my kit selection again.
  10. Very nice!
  11. Yea, the 1/350 Enterprise lighting kit is normally $165 with a remote. Iā€™ve got to at least pull the trigger on that one.
  12. If youā€™ve ever dabbled in lighting kits for syfi, you know how expensive they can get! I got this email from Tena Controls and thought Iā€™d share. I used their lighting kit on my Seaview kit I built for the Wet group build. Itā€™s some high quality stuff! ā€œHi, TenaControls is offering a one-week sale on all our lighting kits, starting December 9th through December 15. We are offering a 15% discount on all orders placed within this time frame. How to take advantage of this discount. Go to our website and make a list of the lighting kits models numbers and then email the list of items you wish to purchase and we'll send you a PayPal invoice with the discounted price. You then pay the invoice and we will ship out the lighting kit or kits to you. Have a happy Holiday season! Regards, Ralph Tenaglia TenaControls,LLCā€ Iā€™m gonna be in deep poopoo with this sale. I need sets for 3 or 4 kits and half of them are pricy!
  13. I tried using it a few months back. Granted, it was old and still in the package from probably 10 years ago, but it wouldnā€™t stick and when it came up it left an oily residue. I use ā€œticky-tacā€ instead. At Hobby Lobby
  14. Ha! House flippers here in the states paint everything gray. The joke now is calling it ā€œflipper grayā€. New homes 99% of the time get basic white everything.
  15. Yea, I know. Itā€™s an American holiday. But Iā€™m giving thanks to all of our wonderful friends of styrene around the world today! This would be a lonely place without all of you.
  16. Interesting how the electrical outlets are horizontal compared to how the US does them vertically. I bet your toilets flush in the wrong direction too! Itā€™s looking great and coming along nicely.
  17. Iā€™ve always heard one cannot make chicken salad from chicken s*!t. But damnit, that looks very tasty! Color me impressed John. A true scrap yard restoration!
  18. Next step on the Trumpeter HIMTT is weathering the tires and getting them on the model. Iā€™ve been watching you tube and almost everyone is using acrylics. Although some did use Tamiya rattle can primers first. Any tips for using Mr. Color lacquers on rubber kit tires?
  19. Yea, Quinta interiors are like the Cliffā€™s Notes of the modeling world.
  20. Got the P-40 cockpit almost ready to install. And made some progress on the HIMTT chassis. Started the wash. interesting how the desert sand color didnā€™t come out in the pic.
  21. Well, at least you didnā€™t start building it, filed down the instrument panel and then find out you accidentally ordered the Quinta set for a Trumpeter kit and not the Hasegawa kit on your bench. šŸ¤Ŗ To make matters worse, Hobby Nut hasnā€™t shipped yet even though they said it was in stock. I ordered a second off eBay and it arrived last night. Thatā€™s fine because Iā€™m planning on building a P-40K and Iā€™ll need it anyway. But now I need to buy a Trumpeter P-40E kit to go with my new interior set. šŸ˜‡ ā€¦..Off to shoot an email to Hobby Nut.
  22. Good to see you back on line Peter. Some normalcy is good medicine! I finally got back to the bench a couple weeks back. It does feel great. But now Iā€™ve gone overboard and Iā€™ve broken my cardinal rule of one kit at a time. Oh the horror! Iā€™m working on two.
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