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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. This threads reminds me of the issues Zacto had getting canopies for his A-7 correction kit. He made it sound like vacuum forming canopies was some kind of lost black art. It was his reasoning for discontinuing the kit.
  2. We’re shut down and working from home, but my wife is a CRNA, so she’s in the hospital on a daily basis around patients. So only God knows what she’s bringing into the home.
  3. Close friend is a workers comp lawyer. He’s winding down his career and retiring in 18 months so he’s not taking any new cases, but he told me the WC legal community is drooling over potential cases from businesses not taking precautions.
  4. Just got word today its now May before we return. Glad I have a healthy stash! In two weeks time I will have my Fisher Skyraider ready for paint. I thought this was going to be a 6 month project.
  5. Just got word campus is shut down for all non-essential employees for the next 2 weeks. No reporting to work until April 1. Maybe I can get quite a bit of kits built!
  6. Ernie, any progress on this one? I just started mine this past week. I'm now out Googling for tips and hints. Scott
  7. Never know where the server farm that Trumpeter uses. Could be anywhere in China, not just where the company is based. If it is in a quarantine area, everything could be shut down.
  8. I was a big fan of Conrad from the Wild, Wild West series. Black Sheep was just some icing on the cake. When you see the actors you remember as a child passing on, it kind of is a gut punch that you are getting older by the day.
  9. Pfffttt.... Majority of my stash is hair dryers. I think I still have 9 or 10 Phantoms, 6 F-16's (already built 8) 2 A-10 Warthogs and 2 F-18's, although one is a Super Hornet. I think the only props I have duplicates of are 2 Skyraiders and one is for the Fat Face Fisher conversion, 2-P51's and 3-1/72 Connie kits.
  10. I don’t see bunnies! You were stoned.
  11. I just moved Mom (85) into a nursing home three weeks ago. Last weekend we took the daughter and her baby for a visit. We walked in and Mom told us to not let the baby go because someone came in, dropped trou and took a dump in the corner of her room and the evidence is still there. it was a power cord for the tiny TV I took off the dresser when I put hers in. After discussing with her, she dreamed this occurred and she was convinced there was a turd in the corner of her room.
  12. Over $2,200?? This is a level of insanity.
  13. I think there was a currency conversion fee. Google "Paypal Currency Conversion Fee"
  14. If I had to? 1) 1/48 PBY-5A 2) Ming kids B-17 (hehehe) 3) One of my 1/72 Connie kits 4) 1/200 Arizona (just because I know this is going to take a year to build) 5) Munsters House 6) Psyco House 7) Hasegawa F-16 prototype/first production 8) One of my Revell F-4E's (I've got 3) 9) One of my Trumpeter A-10's 10) One of my Tamiya F-4J kits I actually had to look at a pic of my stash to finish this list! LOL!!
  15. Just came off of a few days off from work. took last Thursday, Friday and Monday. Unfortunately, TH & FR was to move mom's apartment into storage since her health now has her in a skilled care facility (nursing home). I ached and hurt so bad Sat & Sun I could barley move from the recliner (Hey, it was a total of 10.7 miles of walking both days between apartment and truck, with all the bending, stooping and picking up boxes along the way) and Monday I had to accompany the wife to minor surgery. Sometimes I forget I have a project I can spend time on, or I either dread getting started on one only to get a phone call and pulled away. My mind is now starting to ease up some with Mom in the nursing home. I was afraid to burn leave time if I had an emergency and had to move her. I guess I was thinking this all wrong and was thinking I had to take vacation time, but I got to use Family sick leave. Forgot where I was going with this.... But looking forward to taking some time off now and then just for build days. Did it years ago. I need to do it more often and tell the wife less travel.
  16. Well, since you put it that way.....I do live in Richland County. If I ever get pulled, my line is going to be, 'Well Officer, you see, I was auditioning to be on an episode of Live PD!" Walked in to Publix one day picking up a few groceries and Officer Perez was there for a promotion. She's a lot cuter in person than on TV. And that's saying a lot, because she has quite a fan base.
  17. Took quite a while for me to quit laughing at her. But in a nutshell, we just cleaned out Moms apartment. She was a hoarder addicted to QVC/HSN and would buy multiples of things. 2 mixers, bulk packs of kitchen gadgets, etc. So when we started storing some things in the basement she took notice of my duplicate kits. 4 Tamiya J Phantoms, 3 Revell E’s, multiples of many, she panicked thinking I was just like Mom. Had to explain my decal stash how they all get built differently. But she really lost it when she found my hidden stash around the corner where I keep my syfi and ship and sub kits. oops!
  18. IM T-38, especially in Thunderbirds scheme.
  19. Surprised a collector hasn’t bought those to restore them.
  20. Advertise services on social media in your area? I’m actually thinking about doing some YouTube videos on building using time lapse videos.
  21. For some strange reason I was telling everyone I had about 300 kits in my stash and it would take me until I turn 245 years old to get them all done. For grins and giggles, last night I did a quick and rough count and came up with about 150 kits. No, not going to try and play catch up, I've just decided that I'll wait until I'm 135 to die now. EDIT: FWIW, I tried to buy a second Bearcat kit off one of the forums last month because I needed two kits for two different planes I want to build. I was too late to the ad and someone beat me to it. Man, I felt stupid last night when I looked up and saw two Bearcat kits staring me in the face.
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