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FME erk

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    Lincolnshire in England

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  1. I saw a Youtube review video of the parts and was impressed with the kit. I am even more impressed with your build, that was quick and well executed . . . Weathering looks very good . .
  2. Thomas What a great project. I saw this and thought of you, you may have seen it but worth takin the photos as it is a long way from me . . . As always, I look forward to seeing your progress with this terrific build Ian
  3. I certainly miss your updates on the Wimpy but I guess you have to learn how to fly by going from single to twin engines flying . . . . Keep at it, I think you've got something there . . . .
  4. Like to think of the eight they found they could make good at least four of them !!
  5. That paintwork is so convincing . . . great attention to detail Looking forward to see what you do with the rest of the airframe, particularly the engines . . . Ian
  6. Thought I would pop my build in here . . . slightly modified . . . Excellent kit and it went together really well, highly recommended . . .
  7. A bit of an update on the 35th Austin K2 a bit of chipping on the cab floor Some painting on the front wings and single fuel tank A hip ring for the cab added and sub assembly on the cab . . .
  8. Its never a good thing when you have to go your separate ways but life goes on . . . After being together with my ex for nearly 30 yrs, its take time to adjust but adjust you will . . . Good luck with the move, I hope you soon settle down and start the modelling process once again . . . Ian
  9. Decided to give this ago . . . Its been some time since I put glue to plastic so I hope this will kick start a new phrase of interest which will lead me back to my 32nd scale Lancaster . . . Some progress from the last couple of days . . . best regards to all Ian
  10. What was his christian name Iain? I have written the history of 100 and its always nice to have a full name rather than Pilot Officer 'Kite' etc I take it Can.J.23711 was his Service Number RCAF Ian
  11. Any details you can share would be wonderful, a crew photo perhaps ??
  12. G. I formed the RAF Waltham Association and met with Roy Bailey who told me he and Bruce were the sole survivors from being shot down. Bruce wrote to me with his memories and added to the story of the events of that night. I only have the photo of the ground crew in front of the aircraft and this will hopefully be in my book which is currently at a publishers . . . Ian
  13. Well done Carl Its been a pleasure to have been along the ride . . . Ian
  14. Carl I just read through the whole of the build so far . . . What a size she is and after a number of issues you have turned this into a beauty . . . Feel inspired to get back onto my Lancaster as its been a while . . . I look forward to seeing the completed aircraft, cracking artwork as well Ian
  15. I followed a link that gave details of new kits coming out and thought how useful they might be for crew transport, particularly the second example (thinking more along the lines of twin and four engine jobbies) to compliment a Mosquito or Lancaster . . . . https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3207997686195183&set=p.3207997686195183&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3208012392860379&set=p.3208012392860379&type=3
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