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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. No bench time last week. Kids Spring Beak. Daddy duty all day long...every day. Lots of fun, knee took a beating! Hitting the bench tomorrow...all day. Whoo Hoo! My FW190 C, FW190A8 (Mistel FW190) and Slick Chick will get some love. Waiting on some more AM parts for the Ju88. Will start prep/clean resin parts.
  2. beautiful finish and great scheme!
  3. one of these days I'm gonna try dot filtering......
  4. really nice work and problem solving on this. control surface fix was a good one.
  5. more jaw dropping scratch and wire work. my eyes are strained!
  6. great work. wood finish, engine and wheels are outstanding.
  7. great work. pit, engine and decal outstanding result.
  8. great start, she's gonna be a "big un"!
  9. nice control of those build demons!
  10. I recently dipped my canopies in future and there is some imperfections (dust). Is it possible to remove future for a "do-over"?
  11. Mr. Thinner or Mr. Leveling Thinner. I know some guys buy a solvent at automotive paint shops by the quart or half gallon at a fraction of what Mr. Thinner and Mr. Leveling Thinner costs. Hopefully some will chime in. When using 1200 or 1500 I will dilute 1:1.
  12. yes, ventilation is a must with Alclad. watching for more...
  13. I love Alclad. Important to have good surface prep. Your Humbrol Gloss Black base worked really good. I have had success with this base: Tamiya Black X-1: 1 Tamiya Clear X22: 1 Mr. Leveling Thinner: 2 Applied using thin multiple layers. I took my time and applied thin coats. This is almost a dozen passes until I was comfortable with coverage. I let mine cure for a week. First overall base of Alclad. Then various Alclad shades for the panels. Pre weathering. Flory Dark Dirt wash applied. Good luck with your Stang! Looking forward to see this.
  14. nice work on the pit with weathering, plumbing, etc. I concur, too bad you gotta close it up.
  15. My LHS carries tons of RC stuff. They may have tension springs.
  16. Just ordered it and the P51. Thanks guys!
  17. I'll be there so will Mike (Seiran01). Mike's going to be packing about 6 WNW builds. Gonna be good. Yes - Pics
  18. have fun, look forward to follow your journey and see results.
  19. IPMS Northern Virginia Modelers annual 2014 Model Classic is scheduled for 26 April 0900 to 1600. Fairfax High School, Fairfax, VA This years theme is "The War To End All Wars" 1914-1918. Assumption there will be lots of WNW builds!
  20. thanks. will look into it.
  21. love the research and welcome to LSM. have fun!
  22. I need to update this thread. Pit is all done, wheels, engine. Hope to button up fuselage this week.
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