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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. so am I John! thanks Jonathan. stay tuned....
  2. My best build is yet to come. For me, each completed build is an exercise in new techniques. Always fun to take a little trip out of my comfort zone. My skill-sets are a continuous work in progress. Always developing, always improving. This is may not be my best build but it is certainly my favorite build. 2012 my return to plastic toy planes after a 30 + year hiatus began with this conversion. Not counting a restoration of a Monogram TBD1 kit my Dad built 25 years ago. This A6M2-N project had it's great successes, quasi failures, angst and recovery. Tamiya 1:32 A6M2b with MDC A6M2-N Rufe conversion. Link to A6M2-N WIP and Link to A6M2-N Finished Work Apologizes for the not so good pics, I am much smarter now.
  3. this is truly becoming an epic build. the recovery, great wiring and the inside panel with metal stamp decals. really nice work.
  4. like the scheme. watching....
  5. More progress on the M10 tubes. Those "tuning fork" thingys are the mounts. Hope to finish these tubes by end of week next week. Then the painting will begin.
  6. Bravo! Well done Ralph. Enjoyed following this build. Now the pressure and the bar has been raised on the Ju GB.
  7. Had some time to work on my M10's. Will send dimension and parts schedule when I finish. Relatively painless build so far, hard part has been finding time.
  8. Sopwith Triplane crash 29 June, 2014. Pilot unhurt, scarey and sad to watch. Good news: Pilot ok, and plane is repairable.
  9. Try Mr. Mark Softer. This has worked well on very stubborn Hasegawa and Tamiya decals. Mr. Mark Softer Not sure who carries it in EU. If you cannot find it let me know. I'll pick up a bottle for you.
  10. really nice finish on camo/weather on a interesting subject. apparently my builds "falling together" turn out much different than your builds "falling together".
  11. not an armor guy...yet. one of these days.
  12. Happy with MIG pigments. Always a work in progress for me. I use for exhaust stains and powder burns supplemented with a prior application of really thinned Tamiya Clear Smoke. Powder burns and dirt on wheels. Less is good.
  13. TAKING A BREAK This challenging build has been a device of severe angst. I lay awake at night thinking about this build. It's time to pack away for awhile. When my head gets cleared up I will decide whats next. I'll get back to this build at a later date. Need a build to rejuvenate my enthusiasm. I'm thinking Uber/Shake 'n Bake/OOB.
  14. Salmon Pink wheel weels! love it!
  15. I agree to a point Cees. It's a two edged sword. I like the challenge of problem solving. However, sometimes it just beats the enthusiasm right out of me. I am seriously considering boxing this up and finish my Hasegawa 190A-8 and P47 Slick Chick. Then open a Tamiya or ZM uber kit, enjoy some exceptional engineering and an OOB build. Just sayin'.
  16. here are the Planet Model resin parts. The donor kit is a Hasegawa 190D-9. The engine cowl, props and wheel well cover were replaced with Hasegawa parts.
  17. Did some cutting today. Line up cut at a seam. Did not want to cut on a seam, this was closest to common width with the Hasegawa tail. The twist is very clear here. Hope I can correct when the new tail is installed. Successfully removed the tail wheel, etc. some minor breakage, no prob to fix. Just some more work. Hasegawa tail cut at same panel line and is a close to match I can can get. Comparison C Tail (below) and D Tail (above)...FICE! FICE indeed!
  18. Geeze Dave! You go dark for a few months and then you drop something like this on us? Exemplary! ahem...WIP pics? any? please oh! please!
  19. love the late war scheme. bravo on a great fnish!
  20. NO FOCKEING WAY! When I first test fitted the Planet Model FW190c conversion I noticed the fuselage was slightly warped at the tailplane. No problem, right? A little hot water and the shape was corrected. No problem, right? Fuselage glued, wings glued. Some putty, sanding and scribing on deck, No problem, right? Spidey sense is tingly. Ready for some more? Look carefully at the alignment of the stabilizers. The starboard plug is about 2mm higher than the port side...the hits just keep on coming. Image credit Doogs' This build is really testing me. There is some more major surgery in my future! Engine and cockpit fit turned out ok. Well, so it seems. No alignment pins or stringers the engine from the Hasegawa FW190D9 donor kit fit in the Planet Model fuselage with little fuss and alignment. HGW belts used and am not sure on final position of the left harness. TBD. Have a tailplane solution figured and hope to get to work on it in a few days.
  21. looking good Cees. An excellent reference pic for hand painted stripes. Wonder how much drag was created?
  22. love the Lathe...oh, the R2800 is looking exceptional!
  23. what a great cause. so sorry for your loss. with be watching this.
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