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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. That's evil. Just saying. Anyways, it's sold out so my wallet is safe. For now. Mind you the Halberd XF-85 is so very tempting....
  2. The paintwork on the underside looks great. The shading isn't too stark and gives it that sandy sort of dirt that I think you were aiming for.
  3. Neat looking AFV. The 38T chassis was certainly versatile.
  4. Nice to see you got the cockpit to fit between the wheel bays.
  5. Finally made some progress. The fit so far has been very good. Everything where's it's supposed to. Which is a relief as there's smlo many bits. Here's the front of the lower hull. 18 parts not including the hull itself. There's a basic drivers position, mostly the seat. With the hull side in place. The upper hull is a perfect fit onto this.
  6. Chris, your 109 is just humming along. Looking forward to the camo.
  7. I'm between paycheques or I would have probably broken down and grabbed one. They've extended the offer until tonight just to be cruel about it.
  8. Phil, that Jeep would look great next to my LRDG Ford.
  9. Interesting way they stacked the tiles.
  10. Great progress there Martin. Nice solution to the broken hub.
  11. Well, I finally got a start. First up, the .50 Browning on the commander's cupola. Silly number of parts to this bit. Next up, I started on the suspension arms. Again, lots of little pieces to add to the hull sides. Hopefully more to come.
  12. That's a good question. Our harsh Canadian winters aren't for the delicate. Or at least when they were harsh.
  13. Thanks Martin! It's been fun messing with the paint.
  14. The cargo bed is now weathered. Dry fit on the chassis.
  15. Welcome aboard! Very nice looking Sherman.
  16. X5!!! What a stunning looking interior.
  17. Today's deal is the HK B-25H kit. https://www.bnamodelworld.com/model-planes-hk-models-hk-01e037-1:32-north-american-b-25h-mitchell-gunships-over-cbi Don't think you can find it for cheaper. Even with shipping from Australia.
  18. They're a thick acrylic paint. Looks like they have a fairly fine pigment to them. I'll let you know how they work out.
  19. I didn't know Aerocraft made a prop for the P-51A, thanks for pointing it out Dennis.
  20. Now, now Martin. The 6 or so we got from the RAAF must be in flyable condition. After all, they managed to fly here from Australia.
  21. Wow, I'm so slow I haven't even taken the sprues out of their bags yet.
  22. Tiny bit of progress on the LRDG. Some more weathering, and I test fit the crew. Unfortunately I noticed at this point that I was missing the right arm for the driver. I contacted Libor at LZ Models and he said he'd send out a replacement so that was great. The bed is next. Need to make some progress there.
  23. A small order from Great Hobbies. Some Despise brushes and a panel liner. The brushes are an interesting approach. The handles are aluminium and you replace the brush tip. Next up are some of their paint markers. Lastly some dry brush paints and the AK sand I need for my M551 Sheridan build .
  24. Glad to see you're able to get back to he bench Dennis. Even happier to hear you've got someone making sure you don't get too carried away and set back your recovery. It can do easy to overdo it at times. Carl
  25. The seat as others have said really looks stunning. Plus the belts have a natural drape that's hard to replicate in PE, 3D decals or even the fabric/paper ones. Not to mention assembly. Special Hobby have made leaps and bounds in the quality of their kits in the last few years. They still have the odd fit issue from time to time but it's worlds better than they used to be.
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